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“Faces of AIDS,” a 30-minute show featuring San Diego AIDS patients, relatives of people with the disease and medical professionals, will air on KPBS Channel 15 on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. and Monday at 2:30 p.m.

The show concentrates on portraying the fears and hopes of those afflicted with the disease and the patients’ loved ones. According to Judith Friedel, station spokeswoman, the program does not discuss safe sex methods or precautions against getting the AIDS virus. She said the show is more about individuals and their personal dealings about the disease than with the virus itself.

“The point of the program is not to judge AIDS patients,” Friedel said. “The show takes a very personal point of view and focuses on those directly involved. I think if anything the show will teach people to open up their hearts and think of these people as humans.”
