
Weekend TV : Perspectives on Nixon, Oscar, Drugs Due on the Small Screen


Programs involving Nixon, Oscar and drugs bring varying perspectives about the hopes and dreams of Americans in 1988 to the small screen this weekend.

Former President Richard M. Nixon makes his first television appearance in several years and his first on NBC’s “Meet the Press” since 1968 Sunday at 9:30 a.m. on Channel 4 (8:30 a.m. on Channel 36, and 9 a.m. on Channel 39). Chris Wallace, Tom Brokaw and John Chancellor will question the former President about his views on the upcoming summit, the Middle East crisis, Latin America and the 1988 elections. Nixon also will talk about his new book.

ABC News will turns its attention to the pervasive impact drugs are having on all levels of American society in a special one-hour documentary Sunday at 10 p.m. Hosted by Peter Jennings, “Drugs: A Plague Upon the Land” shows how the drug epidemic has spread to rural areas, decimated the nation’s work force and led to a lawless gang rule on city streets. The program also offers solutions to this dangerous problem.


And finally, decked out in their tuxedo best, “Siskel & Ebert,” recently described as the infamous TV film critics who “look like Abbott and Costello and act like Iran and Iraq,” pick their Oscar favorites tonight at 7 on Channel 7. More Oscar picks come on “At the Movies” at 8 p.m. on Channel 5.
