
Quake Centered in Borrego Jars S.D. County


An earthquake registering 4.1 on the Richter scale rattled San Diego County and other parts of southern California Friday night but apparently did little damage and caused no injuries.

The temblor, centered near Borrego Springs, was felt throughout the county at about 5:30 p.m., as well as in Palm Springs and Indio, police reported.

“There were two short little rumbles and then the third one--you could feel that one, definitely,” said Tom Tomko, a firefighter with the Borrego Springs Fire Department.


A seismologist at Caltech said the quake registered 4.1 on the Richter scale, which gauges the amount of energy released by a temblor. A quake of that magnitude is capable of causing moderate damage.

At the Overland Junction hotel and restaurant in Borrego Springs, manager Dusty Clayton said the quake “just shook us a little and rattled things around a little.

“It was like a finger touching us and saying they’d be back and shake us up some more later,” Clayton said. However, Clayton said she felt no aftershocks.
