
Woman Convicted in Harassment of Michael Jackson

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A woman was convicted Wednesday of eight misdemeanor charges stemming from her violation of a court order that she not pose as singer Michael Jackson’s wife or visit his Encino home.

Van Nuys Municipal Court Judge Stephen E. O’Neil deliberated for less than an hour before finding Lavon A. Muhammad, 41, guilty of contempt of court, violating a restraining order, petty theft and trespassing.

Although Muhammad calls herself “Billie Jean Jackson” and claims the singer fathered her three children, she has never met Jackson, Deputy City Atty. David S. Kestenbaum said. She has harassed Jackson for several years, which led to the 1986 restraining order, Kestenbaum said.


The charges stem from two incidents last year and one this month. Muhammad tried unsuccessfully in August to buy a wedding gown in Beverly Hills and bill it to Jackson, Kestenbaum said. In December, she billed $145 in medical services to Jackson. This month, she walked up Jackson’s driveway in Encino in an unsuccessful attempt to enter his property, Kestenbaum said.

After the verdict, the judge told Muhammad that the maximum sentence of 2 1/2 years in jail is an option if she continues to refuse psychiatric treatment. Sentencing is scheduled Monday.
