
Mayor’s Drug Tests

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Why does the mayor need to know the chemical contents of her employees’ bladders?

According to news reports, Maureen O’Connor has asked her staff members to submit to drug tests (“Mayor Urges Staff to Take Drug Tests,” May 10). A good administrator will know through everyday interaction whether or not her subordinates have a drug problem.

In her statement, the mayor said the purpose was to set a good example. She succeeds only in setting an example for invasion of privacy. She also stated that the tests are “completely voluntary.” What sort of accusatory light will be cast on those who wish to keep their urine to themselves?

If someone refused, would not our suspicions be raised? The media paint anyone who balks at drug testing as a disciple of Cheech and Chong.


Mayoral spokesman Paul Downey said drug testing is considered part of the interview process. It’s illegal for them to ask whether or not you’re married, but they can ask you to fill up a little cup.

I hope that some staff members refuse to submit to these intrusive and distasteful tests.


San Diego
