
Groups Plan March to China Consulate


A coalition of Southern California groups supporting the democratic movement in China said it is expecting 10,000 people for a Los Angeles rally and march to the Chinese consulate Sunday afternoon.

Monterey Park City Councilwoman Judy Chu, Chinese journalist Chang Qing Cao and two Chinese students at UCLA will be among the speakers. Sue Fan, one of the organizers of the Peace March Organizing Committee of Southern California, said Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley and U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) have been invited to appear.

The rally is scheduled for 2 p.m. at MacArthur Park. From there, demonstrators will march along Wilshire Boulevard to the consulate at 501 Shatto Place.


Kwang-Nan Chow, a Cal State Northridge professor, said the coalition includes Chinese student organizations, immigrants and non-Chinese groups opposed to the violent suppression of the student movement in China.
