
Rooter Proves to Be Specialist in State-of-the-Art Cheering

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There is an unwritten rule that you don’t root in the press box, and according to Bob Hertzel of the Pittsburgh Press, the rule was being violated during a series between the San Francisco Giants and St. Louis Cardinals in St. Louis.

A man wearing a Cardinal jersey, standing in a section reserved for the San Francisco writers, began to cheer a play by the Cardinals when he was approached by Duffy Jennings, vice president of public relations for the Giants.

“I’m sorry, sir, there’s no cheering allowed in the press box,” Jennings said. “This is a working area.”


“When I’m in my home stadium, I’ll cheer the home team,” the man said.

“Do you belong here?” Jennings asked.

“I belong wherever I want to be,” the man said.

After a few more angry exchanges, during which the man identified himself, he turned and left, displaying the name ASHCROFT on the back of his jersey.

That would be John D. Ashcroft. He’s governor of Missouri.

Immortal battery: Broadcaster Tim McCarver of the New York Mets was among those saluting Steve Carlton when the pitcher’s No. 32 jersey was retired in Philadelphia. McCarver caught Carlton in Philadelphia, and before that in St. Louis. McCarver once said, “When Steve and I die, we’re going to be buried in the same cemetery, 60 feet 6 inches apart.”

Trivia time: On this date in 1978, the Cincinnati Reds’ Pete Rose went hitless in four at-bats against the Atlanta Braves, ending his hitting streak at 44 games. Who were the Atlanta pitchers?


My-way-or-highway Dept.: Dallas Coach Jimmy Johnson was putting the Cowboys through one of his favorite conditioning drills--16 sprints of 110 yards each--when he noticed one of the kickers sitting them out.

The kicker complained of asthma.

Said Johnson as he pointed to the road out of camp, “The asthma field is over there.”

The next day, the kicker was gone.

Foiled again: Said Philadelphia Eagle Coach Buddy Ryan when asked how Paul Butcher, a free-agent linebacker from the Detroit Lions, looked in his first workout: “He threw up four or five times. I should’ve known better than to take anybody out of Detroit. They’re not in shape. They think 8-8 is a good season.”

Add Ryan: The Eagles are off to London for Sunday’s exhibition game against the Cleveland Browns, and tackle Mike Schad, a former Ram, told USA Today that he hopes to visit the Tower of London.


“I want to see the torture chambers,” Schad said. “I’m sure Buddy’s been there already.”

Ouch: Wrote Charley Walters of the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch after the All-Star game: “Bo Jackson was the most valuable player in the game, but earlier in the day, he coldly shunned a couple of youngsters who politely asked for his autograph on a baseball. Bo, you can hit a baseball far, and you can run past and over tacklers with a football. But Bo, you’re also a jerk.”

Trivia answer: Larry McWilliams and Gene Garber.

Quotebook: Jerry Krause, general manager of the Chicago Bulls, asked if he has any superstitions: “I always carry two pennies in my pocket for people who argue I’m not worth two cents.”
