
Santa Ana : Body Discovered Behind Store Is Identified

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Police confirmed Wednesday that the partially clothed body found behind a small grocery store was that of a homeless man who lived in an open field next to the store’s parking lot.

The stabbed body of Daniel Stewart Hammack, 45, was found Tuesday morning, lying underneath a tree in the parking lot of the Main Street Market at 2133 S. Main St., said police spokeswoman Maureen Thomas.

Hammack’s body was discovered at 6 a.m. by a friend, who had driven to the store looking for Hammack, Thomas said. The friend, who lives in his car, alerted police to the slaying.


Hammack’s pants and shoes were missing and a shirt was lying next to the blood-covered body when it was found yesterday, Thomas added.

Thomas said police have no suspects or motive. Police were initially uncertain about the victim’s identity because Hammack carried no identification, Thomas said.
