
Support for a Glendale Human Relations Panel

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On Aug. 10, I attended one of Councilman Larry Zarian’s public forums. Zarian briefly touched the issue of the newcomers in Glendale. During the discussion, a few people were blaming the newcomers for many problems in Glendale: overpopulation, jaywalking, traffic congestion and accidents.

Glendale Police Lt. Simon was of the opinion that coming from different cultures and backgrounds, the newcomers are not familiar with our laws.

Zarian went on to tell the audience that he witnessed two people leaving a food market pushing two shopping carts with only two bags. He stopped them and, after a lengthy discussion, he persuaded them to take the shopping cart back to the market. Then he promised that, if invited, he would go and speak to any ethnic group to create better relations.


In my opinion, Zarian should be commended for his effort, but with today’s makeup of population and with statistics showing that more than 55% of the population is composed of the different minorities, we need more than one person working for harmony and better relations.

In the past I have been talking privately with some City Council persons in this regard, but circumstances force me to go public in suggesting that the city of Glendale, like many other cities, create a Human Relations Commission in order to work with the situation and maybe defuse some potential problem. The Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations is available to provide support.

In conclusion, I would like to add that in the past few years, Glendale Police Chief David Thompson has cooperated successfully with the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission.



Montrose -- Cannella is a member of the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission.
