
Aetna Offers Booklet on Fire Safety

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Fire protection on the home front is the focus of a free booklet provided by Aetna Life & Casualty.

Among the suggestions on how to develop an emergency plan are:

Leave the house at once, instruct children to stay calm, decide on an emergency meeting place outside, locate and know how to use the fire-alarm box nearest your home, install smoke detectors, and keep the door closed when sleeping.

If a fire is suspected, don’t open the bedroom door if it is hot but use an alternate exit. If the door is not hot, open it cautiously.


If there is smoke or heat after opening the door, close it and use an alternate exit. If the smoke area must be entered, cover the mouth and nose with a wet cloth, crawl on the floor, and stay close to a wall. If there is no alternate exit, stay near an open window and wait for help.

The booklet also urges home-owners to plan escape routes, run a fire drill, and keep a fire extinguisher handy. A garden hose with a pistol grip spray nozzle is recommended as one o the best and most effective fire-fighting devices.

The booklet may be obtained from Aetna Life & Casualty, 151 Farmington Ave., RWAC Hartford, Conn. 06156.
