
Cable TV and the Need for Regulation

In an article (Nov. 28) dealing with increased taxes, you mentioned the Paragon Cable Co. and quoted Navarra Williams, its vice president and general manager. The article states that their tax bill jumped from $500,000 to $1.25 million. The article goes on to say that, as a result of this increase of $750,000 in their tax bill, they will raise the subscriber rates by $2.70 a month.

This is further evidence that cable companies need to be controlled by the federal, state or city governmental bodies. Simple mathematics per subscriber, with 90,000 subscribers involved, comes to $2,916,000. Is this the amount needed to cover an increase of $750,000 in their tax expense?

All people in areas built in the last 10 to 12 years are captive customers, because of restrictions on erecting outside antennas, resulting in poor reception.


Let’s all cancel our subscriptions to our cable service and see how quick the rates will decrease.

If we keep accepting these abusive costs from our suppliers, they will never give us a fair shake, and we will be deserving of anything they throw at us.


