
Braude Plan to Ban Smoking in Restaurants

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The Times reports that Los Angeles Councilman Marvin Braude has introduced a bill to ban all smoking in Los Angeles restaurants (May 30). It is time it became the law.

Personally, I find cigarette smoke to be more than merely obnoxious. It is painful--painful to breathe, painful to watch and painful to think about, in terms of the consequences to our health.

I’m not stating some righteous cause. I was a smoker for many years and finally gave it up a few years ago. I remember how angry I became when smoking was first prohibited in movie theaters, but I accepted the ban even though I was still a smoker--and it didn’t stop me from going to the movies.


Well, a ban on smoking won’t stop people from dining out and it is very likely that in light of the findings concerning the dangers of smoking, even smokers will appreciate the ban.

If we get behind it, it will come to pass.


Van Nuys
