
COUNTYWIDE : Designated Driver Bill Signed Into Law


Assemblyman Jack O’Connell (D-Carpinteria) announced Thursday that the governor signed a bill O’Connell sponsored that will raise money for the state designated-driver program by adding a $5 surcharge to liquor-license renewals.

The legislation, which Gov. George Deukmejian signed Wednesday, will take effect Jan. 1. The surcharge will raise an estimated $350,000 annually, O’Connell said.

Under the program, participating restaurants and bars give designated drivers--those who abstain from alcohol--a lapel sticker that entitles them to free non-alcoholic drinks. In some restaurants, designated drivers get discounts on desserts as well, O’Connell said. In Ventura County, 34 restaurants and bars participate, he said.


Lt. Claude LeMond of the California Highway Patrol office in Ventura said the money raised by the new surcharge will be used to promote the program to owners of bars and restaurants throughout the state.
