
VILLA PARK : Campaigns Continue in Low-Profile Style


Campaign spending in the county’s least populous city promises to rank among the lowest, as none of the six City Council candidates have spent, or expect to spend, more than $1,000, according to mandatory campaign finance documents.

Although Villa Park is an affluent bedroom community, when it comes to elections, “there’s not much money here,” said council candidate Robert Fauteaux, adding that he will probably not spend more than $600 on publicity and mailers.

City Clerk Kaysene Miller said that low-cost and low-profile campaigns are the rule in Villa Park and that no candidate has spent more than $1,000 to win a seat in the 12 years she has worked for the city.


“We get a few signs, and that’s about it. It’s word of mouth, and some of the candidates go door-to-door. (The campaigns) are just real low key and grass roots,” she said.
