
<i> During 1990, many Orange County residents wrote about their thoughts and feelings in articles for Orange County opinion pages. As we look back on the year, some of those thoughts are recalled.</i> : Dr. Ralph W. Rucker on Back-Yard Pools

<i> Dr. Ralph W. Bucker is director of pediatric pulmonary services at Children's Hospital of Orange County</i>

We know that 12 to 14 young children die each year in Orange County pools and spas. Between 80 and 100 children will have major near-drowning episodes. Here at Childrens Hospital of Orange County, we expect 40 to 45 near-drowned children over the year, 25% of whom will either die or suffer irreversible brain damage. Drowning has surpassed auto accidents in California as the No. 1 accidental killer of young children.

No pool is safe, no child is “drownproof.” The primary deterrent is constant awareness of the dangers involved--and constant supervision of your child.

If an effective fencing ordinance were in place, and all adult owners of pools had CPR skills, we could drastically reduce the death and disability.


Near drowning is preventable. Think of your little ones before you buy that house with a pool, or before you have the pool installed, and consider delaying that purchase until your youngest child is older than age 5. If you have a pool, fence it, cover it, even drain it--but don’t ignore it.
