
Caught: A Texas bank that escaped the...

Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Caught: A Texas bank that escaped the rampages of bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow is getting a visit from them now. An exhibit on the notorious duo at the First National Bank in Grapevine, Tex., includes photos and newspaper articles. Two of the photos on display for the first time are from film in a camera that was found in the bandits’ car after police killed them in an ambush May 23, 1934, at Gibland, La. One photo shows Parker and Barrow hugging. Another shows Barrow with his driver.

Justify My Ph.D: It was bound to happen. A Florida State University professor will write a doctoral dissertation on pop singer Madonna. In an interview with the Orlando, Fla., Sentinel newspaper, Chip Wells describes the Material Girl as a “postmodern social construct.” The title of his document? “Like a Thesis: A Postmodern Reading of Madonna Videos.” Wells did not approach his topic like a virgin. “I’m a fan because of the videos’ complex intercultural critiques,” said Wells, as he tried to bridge the gap between the stage and the ivory tower: “When Madonna grabs her crotch, the social order is effectively transgressed.” Translation: Madonna breaks the bounds of the status quo.

Is It on His Resume?: New York Gov. Mario Cuomo is a Girl Scout. He says so himself. He got a Girl Scout membership pin Tuesday in Albany at the kickoff of state energy-saving programs. “Do I have to sell cookies?” joked Cuomo, who has bought “at least 1,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies” from his three daughters, now grown. “In my heart I’m a Girl Scout,” he said.


Imitation: Author Saul Bellow remembers the late literary critic Edmund Wilson as an Olympian among literati, but then he went further: Wilson “was a bit like Mister Magoo. . . . He had the same gruff, Magoo-strained way of speaking. Partly colloquial, partly highbrow.”
