
Man to Serve 2 Years for Embezzlement

From a Times Staff Writer

A San Diego financial planner who embezzled $200,000 from an elderly couple was sentenced Friday to two years in state prison.

Isaac Cubillos, 39, was given the term after he pleaded guilty on Jan. 29 to two counts of grand theft. “Probation is not an option. He’s going to state prison,” said San Diego Municipal Judge John M. Thompson.

Deputy Dist. Atty. Sally G. Williams had urged the maximum four-year term, but Thompson said he felt bound by a plea bargain in limiting the sentence to two years.


Thompson initially was going to order Cubillos to pay more than $200,000 in restitution to Cecil and Modina Burbank, a retired couple in their 80s. But Cubillos’ attorney, Peter Liss, said the embezzlement occurred in 1988, and a state law change since then prohibited prison inmates from being ordered to pay more than $10,000.

The judge ordered Cubillos, who has been sued for damages, to submit to the civil process in any related lawsuit. He was not fined.

Cubillos, who had no prior criminal record, ran a firm named Financial Planning Services, but its only location was a post office box, according to Williams.
