
4 Shipmates Deny Guilt in Holdups


Four sailors accused of committing five street robberies in the Midway area of Point Loma pleaded not guilty Monday.

The four, all crewmen on the submarine tender Dixon, have a preliminary hearing scheduled for Jan. 21.

Bail was set at $75,000 each for Daryl Erwin, 21; Travis Walker, 20, and Dwight Joseph, 21. Bail for Darren Shelton, 25, remains at $60,000


Deputy Dist. Atty. Bob Phillips said a 74-year-old man was knocked unconscious in one robbery, and a 22-year-old victim suffered a broken nose.

Phillips said the evidence so far indicates that the Navy enlisted men are only responsible for the Midway district robberies and have not been linked to the series of holdups and beatings in the Hillcrest and North Park.

Erwin and Walker are also charged with two attempted robberies in the Midway area.

Phillips asked San Diego Municipal Judge David Danielsen to keep the bail figures at $75,000. Defense attorneys argued for less bail. A bail review is set for Thursday.
