
Presenting the Real Russell Means


In last Sunday’s Off-Centerpiece (“To Russell Means, Activism Is No Act,” by Shahram Victory), it was good to see that Means is alive and well and kicking--somebody!

Whether or not “The Last of the Mohicans” will reach into the unconscious of America like “Dances With Wolves,” I am sure that the film was better off for Means’ never-ending dedication to waking up America to the continuing racism and Third World treatment of Indian America.

Victory writes: “Means made the crew distinguish between those playing French-allied and English-allied Indians when summoning extras to the set.” Looks to me like Means better stay with it through post-production and into the PR stages. If I’m not mistaken, you show a picture of Dennis Banks on the set and identify him as Means.


Come on “all you white people”: I know they all look alike, but don’t you think that’s a little embarrassing? Hey, Russ, need a good press agent?


Beverly Hills

Banner is correct. Banks, who has a small role in the film, was misidentified in the photo provided by 20th Century Fox.
