
The Harris Execution


So finally Robert Harris, multiple murderer, is executed and is gone forever. I say it’s about time! The nightmare of the victims’ families is over.

The pathetic lawyers and whimpering ACLU people who have perpetuated this idiocy for the last decade should be ashamed of themselves. They were protecting the “rights” of a man who was duly convicted of two brutal murders and whose conviction literally withstood the test of time. The conviction was upheld numerous times by all relevant California courts and even the U.S. Supreme Court.

The ACLU and Mr. Harris’ team of lawyers (paid for by the taxpayers, of course) recently argued that Mr. Harris ought to be spared due to previously unreleased evidence that he was a victim of child abuse, among other problems.


Well so what? Does that give him the right to kill two young men for their car? I would argue that, no matter what Mr. Harris’ childhood history, the two teen-agers he murdered had the right to live out their lives. It is curious that the ACLU doesn’t comment on this “minor” detail. I thought their goal was to promote individual rights, and logically that includes everybody, including victims of violent crimes.

The death penalty does not deter crime, it never has and never will. But it is a fact that Mr. Harris will not commit another crime nor live off us for the rest of his life.

