
School Board Representation on the Westside


As a parent of children attending public school on the Westside, I want to let it be known that the Latino Coalition Plan to rezone the Board of Education boundaries (Times, April 19) is unacceptable. My objection is not to the addition of a Latino seat, but rather to the elimination of a Westside seat.

In order for us to continue to be strong supporters of public education and maintain our high level of involvement, it is critical that the Westside remain a cohesive, unified force within the Los Angeles Unified School District.

The problems and concerns of our school are shared by others in the Westside area. We cannot lose our voice by the loss of a Westside representative on the Board of Education. Our unique needs cannot be met by representatives who do not live in our community and who do not understand the needs of our community.


Our hope is that the Los Angeles City Council will consider and act on an alternative plan which does not eliminate a Westside voice! After all, every area in this district should have a voice in determining the course of the schools in Los Angeles.


Los Angeles
