
Salute to Seniors

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Kevin Costner . . . T. Jefferson Parker . . . Bert Blyleven . . . Diane Keaton . . . Jackson Browne . . . Gaddi H. Vasquez. They all graduated from Orange County high schools and they all excelled in their fields.

And in a few years, you may hear such names as Alicia Morales . . . Matthew Daniels . . . Olivia Herman . . . Troy Mosler . . . Sylvina Elizalde . . . Stephen Wu. These are a few of county’s outstanding graduates from the Class of ‘92, and in the coming years they may be producing the next great works of art, running major companies, making scientific advances or attaining high political office.

Alicia, the first in her family to attend college, is headed for Harvard; Matthew and Olivia are both going to Juilliard School in New York; Sylvina, who went from English as a Second Language classes at Santa Ana High to the Advanced Placement program in just 18 months, is headed to Boston University to study mechanical engineering; Stephen is the county’s individual Academic Decathlon champion and will attend Stanford.


This year’s bumper crop of graduates is full of outstanding artists, scholars and leaders. While there are thousands of students across the county deserving of mention, High Life today profiles one senior from each of the county’s high schools. This is not a contest or a competition for the best and the brightest, but a sampling that shows the diversity and accomplishments of this year’s Orange County high school graduates.



* Kevin G. Domene

Kevin’s father and mother graduated from Anaheim High School in 1969, his sister in 1988 and his brother has plans to wear a cap and gown in 1995. This is Kevin’s year. . . . He served as student body president, was commissioner of pep for two years and a student council member three years. Kevin has also been on the student advisory board to the Anaheim Union High School District and has been involved with Red Ribbon week. . . . Kevin has played varsity tennis for four years (two as team captain) and served as an associate head basketball coach for three years. . . . His hobbies include skiing, surfing and snow-boarding. . . . Kevin will graduate with a 3.05 grade-point average and plans to attend Fullerton College before transferring to the University of Colorado.


* Jennifer Cantrell

Jennifer, a resident of Garden Grove, served this year as student council president as well as senior class president. . . . She was also captain of the cheerleading squad and served on the student council while an underclassman. . . . As a member of the school choir and chorale, Jennifer is interested in majoring in music at Golden West College, from which she is planning to transfer to Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Fla. . . . She has a 98.17% average in her classes at Bethel Baptist. . . . Jennifer competed in basketball and volleyball and is an avid reader. . . . Says Vice Principal William Bowen: “Jennifer’s abilities especially demonstrate the ability to lead by being an example.”



* Tramy N. Tran

Working six days a week to support herself has not deterred Tramy from earning a 3.86 grade-point average in Advanced Placement classes and membership in the California Scholarship Federation. . . . During her senior year, Tramy led her school as student body president, counting on previous experience as ASB secretary in her junior year, and freshman and sophomore class president. . . . Despite her busy work and academic schedule, Tramy also has stayed active since her freshman year in the Spanish Club, Vietnamese Club, Girls’ League, as a varsity basketball statistician, and this year she added Civics Club treasurer and homecoming committee chairperson to the list. . . . Tramy, who lives in Westminster, is leaning toward the teaching profession when she attends UC San Diego in the fall.


* Jason C. Hsu

Jason’s toughest decision at Caltech might be to decide a major. . . .As editor of the yearbook and a former entertainment editor of the school paper, he’s interested in English, but as a Physics Bowl winner and a Science Olympiad participant, he’s also interested in theoretical physics. . . .Jason, whose family moved to the United States seven years ago from Taiwan, has a 4.45 grade-point average. He has been a member of the Interact Club, California Scholarship Federation and National Honor Society, but also has found time to compete in basketball through his junior year and to enjoy his hobby of coin collecting. . . . Says Brea-Olinda counselor Wilma Sauer: “Jason is not satisfied with just academic excellence. (He) strives to develop the potential for greatness within. Through this search, Jason has developed an unselfish approach to life and a commitment to make a meaningful contribution to society.”


* Melissa Masinsin

Melissa, the youngest of six children, demonstrated her leadership qualities by serving as student body president her senior year and class president her junior and sophomore years. . . . She was selected by her school’s multicultural student communication committee as the student who is “most trustworthy.” . . . Melissa, who lives in Fullerton, has served as Key Club secretary and as a member of the California Scholarship Federation’s executive cabinet, Spirit Club and has helped with the Red Cross blood drive. . . . She’s been involved with the school’s volleyball and basketball teams for four years and enjoys skiing, other sports and family outings. . . . Melissa will graduate with a 4.00 grade-point average and plans to attend Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.



* Sarah Geiger

As a pianist who has spent countless hours perfecting her art, Sarah has shared her talent as accompanist to the school’s special touring choir, mass choir and chapel services, in addition to local congregations that have needed a substitute organist--many times on very short notice. This gifted senior also spent three years in the handbell choir and is an adept flutist. . . . Since her sophomore year, Sarah has served as yearbook editor and taken an active role in student council while maintaining a 3.92 grade-point average. . . . The four years she has spent competing on the volleyball and basketball teams have earned her league recognition. . . . She lists among her favorite pastimes: sewing, working in the kitchen and riding her bike. . . . Sarah looks forward to a career as an elementary school teacher after attending Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn.


* Craig Barnes

Doubling his normal academic schedule with courses at Orange Coast College, Craig got a head start on his college studies by fulfilling some of his general education requirements. He spent 15 to 20 hours a week working at a local stationery store, yet managed a 4.08 grade-point average and title of valedictorian of his senior class. . . . This Chapman University-bound senior won a National Merit Commendation and took third place in the school’s short story contest. . . . Craig, who resides in Westminster, has been active in Chess Club and Ski Club, as well as with his hobbies that include classic car restoration, reading and computers.


* Monica Dutt

Monica, who is the school’s valedictorian with a 4.8 grade-point average, will be attending UC Berkeley this fall. . . . During her senior year she served as president of Girls’ League, an on-campus organization that completes many hours of community service and raises money for charity, and as a member of Project Outreach, helping to provide food kitchens for the homeless. . . . She competed on the Comanche’s junior varsity track team as well as junior varsity and varsity cross-country teams. . . . Monica, who lives in Anaheim, has been a member of the National Honor Society, California Scholarship Federation, French Club, Asian Club and Math Club. Last year, she was junior class secretary.


* Tiffany C’Debaca

Tiffany has maintained a 3.22 grade-point average while serving as chaplain for the junior high school and taking leadership roles in the school retreat and the Mission Club activities. She is a resident of Mission Viejo and has volunteered much of her time to church programs and events. . . . Her favorite role has been as statistician for the school’s football, baseball, basketball and volleyball teams, where she devotes her time to keeping numbers, carrying bottles and wrapping ankles. . . . She plans on attending Saddleback College, then pursuing a career in sports medicine.


* Alicia Morales

This Harvard-bound senior has spent four years achieving academic and athletic excellence, collecting awards and honors, including a 1992 scholarship from the National Hispanic Scholar Awards program and the district’s Outstanding Athlete Award in her senior year. . . . A member of the Gifted and Talented Education Program--she’s graduating with a 4.18 grade-point average--Alicia has received commendations in English, Spanish, science and math. This year, she served as president of the Future Business Leaders of America. . . . Alicia, who lives in Mission Viejo, has competed in girl’s cross-country and track and field, earning her letter all four years. In her spare time, she tutors others and writes poetry. . . . Alicia is the first of her family to attend college. Her inspiration is her father, who she says taught her the value of education, hard work and an appreciation for life.


* Rachel Lee Evans

Being named valedictorian of Century’s first graduating class was not only a result of Rachel’s 4.32 grade-point average but also her role in shaping school tradition. She not only was United Student Body secretary and commissioner of spirit and assemblies, but also helped create the school’s constitution. . . . She was active in the environmental club Harmonia Mundi and the Youth-to-Youth Drug Free program. . . . Rachel sang in three school musicals and was a varsity cheerleader. . . . She was voted MVP on the varsity tennis team in her sophomore year. . . . Honors this year include Soroptimist of the Year, Principal’s Award, Humanities Division finalist, Science medallion and second place in the state’s Design Art Awards for her transportation poster. . . . Rachel is headed to the University of San Diego this fall.



* Ericka Sampson

Ericka is hard-working, conscientious and motivated. She helped to bring a recycling program to her school as well as organizing fund-raisers and social functions. . . . She has served on student council, the newspaper and yearbook staffs, in drama and as a cheerleader. She enjoys her work with the African American Student Alliance and her volunteer time with the American Cancer Society and Tustin Boys and Girls Club. . . . Ericka, whose parents are both educators, lives in Tustin. . . . She will graduate with a 3.35 grade-point average and plans to attend Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, where she’ll pursue a communications degree, hoping, one day, to be a talk-show host. . . . Ruth Harrison, an assistant director at Claremont, gives Ericka’s career ambition a vote of confidence: “She has the unique ability of being able to interact with nearly all groups and types of people.”


* Maura Johnston

Maura’s extensive participation in Junior Statesman of America led to her role as governor of the Southern California chapter in her senior year. She has attended JSA summer school for advanced studies in politics and economics at Stanford and at Georgetown, where she will study this fall. . . . Maura, who lives in Fountain Valley and has maintained a 4.0 grade-point average, has competed in varsity soccer and served on the student senate. She has been an actress, director and producer in theater productions and has won awards in county competitions for her oil, watercolor and pastel paintings, as well as a state award for music--she plays saxophone, violin and piano. . . . Her volunteer work includes the March of Dimes Leadership Council, the Democratic State Convention and the Braille Institute.


* Karen Thomas

Karen has followed a path in classical education, spending the past eight years dancing with Ballet Pacifica and studying Latin as a member of the campus club since her freshman year. As a junior she served as Latin Club president and she has won the National Latin Exam gold medal annually since her freshman year. . . . Karen’s musical pursuits include teaching music theory to piano students and studying flute; during grades nine and 10 she played piccolo and alto sax in the school band. . . . A California Scholarship Federation seal bearer with a 4.29 grade-point average, she was recently named a National Merit Award recipient; last year, she won the Harvard Book Award for excellence in English and the Bausch & Lomb Science Award. . . . Karen, who lives in Newport Beach, has been involved in the Environmental Activist Club, mock trial and on the varsity swim team. . . . She will major in environmental engineering when she enters Princeton this fall.


* Trang Dinh

Trang has kept a very active schedule as student body president, a member of the Key Club and with her church youth group, while maintaining a 3.54 grade-point average. . . . Up until her junior year, she competed in basketball, cross-country and track for the Mustangs. . . . She was voted Most Spirited by the senior class and won a scholarship through the Irvine Co.’s Spectrum Leadership program. . . . Says counselor Carolyn Casey: “Trang is always there, doing hundreds of hours of untold work to get the job done.” . . . Trang, who will attend Orange Coast College before transferring to either Cal State Long Beach or UC Santa Barbara to study nursing, has been getting a head start on her career by volunteering at a convalescent home and at a child-care facility.


* Christine Wan

Christine was a member of the school’s debate and mock trial teams and helped win several awards, including the state’s mock trial championships. A Taiwanese native who came to the United States at age 9, she maintained a 4.47 grade-point average and has set her sights on a career in law, which will be her major while attending UCLA. . . . Christine has also enjoyed exercising her competitive edge on the varsity tennis and track and field teams all four years. . . . About Christine, school counselor Marvin Gold says, “She is dependable, sensitive and responsive to others while maintaining her own identity and integrity.”


* Tessa Zugmeyer

Aspiring to a career in the theater, Tessa has acted in numerous school productions and has received department recognition as Best Supporting Actress and Most Inspirational Drama student, in addition to the recent Best Actress award at the Saddleback Theater Festival. . . . As a senior she served as treasurer for both the Drama Club and Thespian Society and she headed the latter club as president her junior year. . . . Tessa, who lives in Laguna Niguel, also expresses herself through original collages and gift cards and through her sketching. . . . An avid reader, Tessa has earned a 3.95 grade-point average. . . . She plans to major in theater at UCLA after spending this summer in France visiting her French-born father’s family, one of many trips over the years that has enabled Tessa to learn the language.



* Chris White

Regarded as one of the top student decathlon coaches in Southern California, Chris has worked the past two years as assistant coach to the school’s Academic Competition program. . . . He has also coordinated four Los Angeles Times’ Ambassador in Education contests, including researching and writing the final papers and coaching his school team in the state finals. . . . As a senior, Chris has been awarded a National Merit Commendation and the Principal’s Award for Outstanding Student; he took second place in the countywide Optimist’s Essay Contest. . . . He has maintained a 4.51 grade-point average and gained memberships in the California Scholarship Federation and Spanish Honors Society. . . . Off campus, Chris, who lives in Huntington Beach, teaches the math section for a Scholastic Aptitude Test workshop. . . . He plans a double major in mathematics and chemistry at UC Berkeley.


* Tim Smay

Tim has been an active member of student government, serving as council member at-large for the associated student body. He’s also a member of the Physics Club, National Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation. . . . He has also participated on the school’s water polo (two years) and swim (three) teams before being injured in his senior year. . . . Tim, who lives in Placentia, is also active at Yorba Linda United Methodist Church, where he’s been a conference representative and a counselor for junior and senior high school students. Tim has also participated in the church’s musical. . . . He will graduate with a 4.0 grade-point average and plans to attend UC San Diego, where he will major in bio-med.


* Matthew Daniels

Matthew has excelled at El Modena in its theater arts program and as an honor student with a 4.30 grade-point average. . . .His achievements include winning the California State thespian scholarship and Best Actor award at the California all-state show. He is also a member of the school’s Chamber Singers and president of the Thespian Troupe. . . .Matthew’s hobbies include working with computers, drama, singing, dancing, acting and reading . . . . A resident of Orange, he will attend Juilliard School of Fine Arts in New York. . . . Needless to say, Matthew says his life’s goal is “to make it on Broadway.”


* Kimberly Fausett

One of Kimberly’s most memorable experiences was being chosen last year as the school’s California Girls State representative, which took her to Sacramento to serve as Supreme Court chief justice in a mock government trial. . . . With a 3.99 grade-point average and headed to Brigham Young University, Kimberly has made the Principal’s Honor Roll and been a member of the California Scholarship Federation every year. . . . She has also devoted four years to the junior varsity and varsity pep squads, in addition to drama, for which she is El Toro’s outstanding performing and fine arts student. . . . Kimberly, who lives in Lake Forest, also serves her community and school through Girl’s League, Students for Environmental Action and Keywanettes.


* Kevin Wang

Kevin has aspirations of becoming an animator or scenic designer in the movie industry. . . . He was the school newspaper’s cartoonist and also a member of the Art Club. Art teacher Sandra Keil was particularly impressed with Kevin’s eye for detail and dedication. “Kevin’s original thinking and expertise could make a difference in what we see on the movie screen in the future,” Keil said. “His artwork reflects his ability to apply his talent, creativity and art skills.”. . . Kevin came to Orange County from Taiwan in 1985 and began school as part of the English as a Second Language program. . . . The Yorba Linda resident participated in the Science Olympiad, Spanish Club, California Scholarship Federation and also played varsity tennis. . . . Kevin has a 3.54 grade-point average and will attend Cal State Long Beach, majoring in art with an emphasis in design.


* Stephanie Burden

Stephanie collected numerous awards during her four years of high school drama productions and jazz and ballet classes: the Disney Creativity Challenge Award for Drama, best actress and best supporting actress in the MACY musical competition and best actor at the Southern California Educational Theater Assn. festival of plays. . . . Stephanie’s dedication to the classic study of her art has also resulted in three awards at the Chapman Shakespearean Festival. . . . Stephanie, a four-year member of the California Scholarship Federation who holds a 3.88 grade-point average, will major in drama and minor in English when she attends UC Irvine. . . . In addition to acting, she has also been involved in the drug-free club Care Kids and the religious group Adventures Unlimited. . . . Stephanie, who lives in Costa Mesa, served this year as secretary of her senior class.



* Stephen Wu

Stephen managed to maintain both a 4.80 grade-point average and active extracurricular schedule. . . .He was captain of the track and field team, where he was a Century League finalist in the 120 high hurdles. He was also a member of the Inter-Club Council, the Key Club, Spanish Club and Field Science Club. . . .Stephen was the captain of the school’s Academic Decathlon team and was Orange County’s individual Academic Decathlon champion this year. . . .His other interests include art, piano and photography. . . .Says counselor Jerre Glasgow: “Stephen is not the stereotyped ‘brain.’ He is a well-rounded, outgoing young man liked and respected by all who know him.’ Stephen, whose father works in Taiwan, will attend Stanford in the fall.


* Stephen Oh

Harvard-bound Stephen maintained a 4.64 grade-point average and was president of the school’s California Scholarship Federation which he helped make a large and active club on campus. . . . He also enjoys helping students who aren’t as academically gifted. His efforts helped create a new school program which provides free tutoring for students in danger of failing classes. . . . Outside high school, Stephen sits on the board of the Prime Time Literacy program with the Camp Fire organization. . . . Stephen was also a section leader for the marching band for two years. . . He plans to major in biochemistry.


* J. Scott Schindele

Scott ranks at the top of his school academically, artistically and athletically. . . . He is a talented actor and singer, working with his mother, who directs Fullerton’s theater productions, as well as with the Fullerton Children’s Repertory, Fullerton Civic Light Opera and Yorba Linda Light Opera. He’s also excelled in sports, participating in varsity soccer, water polo and swimming for four years. . . . Scott, who is Varsity Club president and last year served as junior class president, spent last summer in Greece through the American Field Service. . . . Scott, who has worked as a data-entry clerk for two years and a Special Olympics coach, will graduate with a 4.09 grade-point average and attend Colgate University. . . . Says guidance technician Joan Johnson: “Scott is the ultimate Renaissance man.”


* Kelly Chung

Kelly dedicated much of her time outside of honor classes and tennis practice to campus activities, such as student body vice president, Girl’s League vice president and senior class secretary. . . . She has also clocked in time as Inter-Club Council chairwoman, a member of Biology Club, junior class historian and Associated Student Body commissioner for dances, student services and girls’ athletics. . . . One of this year’s valedictorians, Kelly will graduate with a 4.29 grade-point average and memberships in the National Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation. . . . She moved from the junior varsity tennis team in her freshman year to varsity the next three and team captain as a senior. . . . Kelly has spent summers doing volunteer work as a candy-striper at UCI Medical Center and a clerk at the O.C. Community Consortium. . . . She is off to UCLA in the fall for pre-med studies.


* Eric Shouse

Three years ago, Eric turned to music as an outlet to express his faith, and since that time he has cultivated a talent that has gotten attention from his church and school. . . . Principal Rocklin K. Bales recognizes Eric as a “vital member of the school choir,” where he has been performing since his sophomore year. . . . Eric’s love for music lead him to serve as choir president during his senior year. He also got the chance to lead and organize the music performed during the weekly church services as school chaplain during his junior and senior years. . . . Eric, who lives in Placentia, also plays guitar and composes. During his senior year, he also branched out into drama. . . . He has a 3.35 grade-point average and will major in music when he attends Azusa Pacific University this fall.


* Eric Wey

Eric is the third member of the Wey family to graduate as valedictorian at Huntington Beach and go on to Harvard. . . . Says activities director Darrell Stillwagon: “Eric blends his academic talents with all-around school involvement. His 4.63 grade-point average is the result of his efforts in the classroom, not the purpose of their efforts.” . . . The Key Club, Red Cross Club, Academic Decathlon team and duties as the California Scholarship Federation treasurer are just some of the activities the National Merit Scholar has been involved in outside the classroom. . . . In athletics, Eric was a member of the doubles team in badminton for the Oilers.



* Rita Ravindra

Rita’s decision to major in economics and international business when she attends UCLA aiming at a career in international law and politics seems in line with her long list of extracurricular activities, including founding in her sophomore year the campus-based Activists for Political Awareness Club and serving as its president. . . . She is also involved in the Ethnic Advisory Forum, Amnesty International, Students for Social Responsibility and the Key Club. Off campus, she has participated in Irvine Tomorrow, O.C. People for Animals, and as a volunteer in political arenas, including the Democratic Convention. She has also been published in the local newspaper and is studying Japanese. . . . Rita has attended classes at UC Irvine in its High School Scholars Program, been treasurer of the California Scholarship Federation and earned a 3.88 grade-point average.


* Kristi Hofstetter

Kristi headed her school this year as student body president, after serving in the past as freshman and sophomore class presidents and Associated Student Body secretary of student affairs. . . . She dedicated countless hours as photo editor for the school newspaper and as a member of the Key Club. . . . She was a member of the Ecology Club, the Chemical Abuse Prevention Committee and Kids Against Taking Substances. . . . Kristi, who lives in Anaheim , competed on the volleyball and soccer teams and kept statistics for track and cross-country, in addition to her off-campus hobbies of skiing, surfing and backpacking. . . . Kristi has overcome dyslexia and now loves reading; she has maintained a 3.40 grade-point average. . . . She plans to attend Saddleback College before transferring to Biola University.


* Damon Kiyo Nagami

In addition to his 4.30 grade-point average, Damon was an all-league and third-team All-Southern Section selection in water polo this year. He also received the Coach’s Award in water polo and swimming, where he was also a first team all-league choice. . . . After attending UC Berkeley, he plans to attend medical school. . . . Damon also sang with the choir and vocal jazz ensemble at Kennedy. . . . This year, he served as senior class vice president and participated in the Kiwanis Bowl. . . Damon, a resident of La Palma, was active in the California Scholarship Federation, Key Club and took sixth place in the 1991 Orange County High School Spelling Competition.


* Olimpia Guardado

As a native of Tijuana, Mexico, Olimpia’s interest in her cultural roots has lead to her involvement on the advisory board for the state pilot program Heritage of the Americas, in Movimiento Estudiantes Chicano Aztlan (MECHA), Spanish Club and community volunteer work. . . . She plans to take this interest to UCLA, where she will major in sociology with an emphasis on ethnic studies. She hopes to attend law school with the goal of becoming a public defender. Olimpia has maintained a 3.91 grade-point average and has been a member of the National Honor Society. . . . Student government has been an integral part of Olimpia’s high school career, where she has served as student body and junior class presidents and has participated as a member of Congress, Student League, School Site Council and the Safe Schools Committee.


* Tay Hoang Lu

In her sophomore year, Tay was selected to receive the school’s Hugh O’Brian Leadership Award. Since then, Tay has served as presidents of the National Honor Society, her junior class and the Vietnamese Club, not to mention serving as captain of the varsity volleyball team during her senior year. . . . She has also served as treasurer of the Chess Club and as a member of the mock trial team, Key Club, Youth Leadership for Action and Pep Club. . . . Tay, who lives in Westminster, enjoys playing piano, reading and playing volleyball for fun when she isn’t competing. . . . In addition to working a full academic schedule to earn a 4.0 grade-point average, Tay also works as an English tutor and at an ice cream shop. And she was a reporter on the school newspaper. . . . She will enter UC Berkeley as a pre-law major in the fall.


* Jayson M. Tonkon

Jayson has been elected to leadership roles in student government, serving as student body president this year and as class president his junior and sophomore years. His capabilities were recognized by his selection to participate in the American Legion Boys’ State program. . . . Jayson was a member of the varsity’s No. 1 doubles team in tennis and has played varsity water polo for three years. . . . In his spare time, he enjoys working on his tennis game, playing baseball, going to the beach and reading history. He spent a summer in Spain with the American Field Service, and serves as a peer counselor. . . . Jayson will graduate with a 3.98 grade-point average and plans to attend the University of Pennsylvania.



* Stephen Cary

Steve was a member of numerous clubs, including the Key Club--where he served as commissioner of community relations--the French Club, Math Club, Model United Nations and California Scholarship Federation. He was a three-year member of the Academic Decathlon team, which has taken first place in the county the past four years. . . . He also played soccer, ran cross-country and was a four-year varsity golf team member. . . . Steve, who also played the lead in two school drama productions, plays piano, trumpet and guitar and enjoys horseback riding. . . . A native of Zimbabwe, South Africa, Steve came to the United States in 1988. He will take his 4.51 grade-point average to Yale to study medicine. . . . Says guidance counselor Frances Griffith: “Steve has the energy and the mental brilliance to become a physician.”


* Allison Leigh Hughes

Allison earned a 4.32 grade-point average and placement in the Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation all four years, yet she still took an active role in extracurricular school events. . . . She served as Associated Student Body senator since her freshman year, and participated in mock trials, peer tutoring, and Youth for Leadership Action during the past two years. She also competed on the varsity swim team since her sophomore year. . . . Allison counts among her interests traveling, tennis, horseback riding and dancing. She spent her freshman and sophomore years on the drill and dance teams and senior year in song-leading. . . . Allison, who lives in Anaheim, plans to pursue a double major in history and international relations at Claremont McKenna College.


* Carrie Hemphill

Carrie, who served as president of the student council this year and as sophomore class two years ago, also ran the school’s Drug Alternative Nights and Counseling Events (DANCE). . . . She was selected Los Alamitos’ delegate to attend an American Legion Girls’ State seminar at the end of her junior year, but declined. Instead, she attended a three-week seminar in the Soviet Union with 31 students from around the United States. As a result, Carrie says her goal is to learn foreign languages and represent the United States in other countries as part of the foreign service. . . . Her community involvement has been through the National Charity League’s Ticktockers group. . . . Carrie, who will be attending the University of Santa Clara, will graduate with a 3.80 grade-point average.


* Larissa J. Brown

An artist at heart, Larissa counts drawing and painting among her hobbies, and she hopes to transfer to Art Center College of Design after finishing her general education requirements at Golden West College. . . . She lent her talent to working on stage scenery for her school’s drama productions, an art related to her knack for architectural design. In between art projects, she has been able to maintain her academic report card with a 3.5 grade-point average. . . . She has also devoted her energies to the Marine Biology Club and Black Students Union.. . . . Larissa, who lives in Santa Ana, has stayed active playing volleyball through high school, a sport she hopes to take up once again when she enters college in the fall.


* Jodeen Madren

Jodeen graduated with a 4.46 grade-point average, and was president of the National Honor Society and vice president of the California Scholarship Federation during her senior year. . . . She has been a song leader since her junior year and was a cheerleader the two years before that. . . . Jodeen has also been involved on campus in the Science Club and in the Anaheim community with recycling, tree planting and the Adopt-a-Beach cleanup program. . . . She has won Student of the Year for several departments since ninth grade and awards from the Optimist and Rotary Club speech contests. . . . She has spent the last decade studying her hobbies: ballet, tap and jazz dance, and piano. . . . This UCI-bound senior’s experience in teaching Sunday school and tutoring elementary students has influenced her decision to become a teacher.


* Curtis Chan

Besides giving his best academically and earning a 4.55 grade-point average, Curtis has given of himself to his school and community. His extensive list of volunteer service, which includes leadership roles for Literacy Volunteers of America, Project Cherish, Meals for the Homeless and the Ronald McDonald House, among others, has been recognized by the Greater Orange County Volunteer Center. . . . On campus, he has served as student body commissioner of education, Student Curriculum Committee president, Environmental Club co-president and Key Club secretary. Off campus, he’s a member of the City of Huntington Beach Youth Board. . . . Curtis has competed on the school’s tennis, basketball and soccer teams, and plays the piano. . . . He is considering attending UC Berkeley or Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study architecture.



* Mary E. Abad

Mary looks to the arts as part of her cultural education, listing among her favorite pastimes visiting art galleries, reading, going to the theater and playing piano--for which she took first place for two years in a row at the county Baroque Festival. Add karate, volleyball, basketball and running to her list of hobbies, which keep her in shape for the track team. . . . Mary, who lives in Santa Ana, has served her school as a Junior Statesmen of America, club commissioner and as a member of Student Council and Model United Nations. She has also been involved in speech and debate, organizing a class trip to Tijuana, Mexico, language clubs and as yearbook editor. And she has helped with such causes as Campus Ministry, Students Against Drunk Driving, Special Olympics and school retreats. . . . Mary, who has a 4.47 grade-point average, will begin her liberal arts studies this fall at Stanford University.


* Manoj A. Kulkarni

Manoj is Mission Viejo’s valedictorian and seal bearer with a 4.83 grade-point average. . . . He has been involved with student government, serving as student representative to the Saddleback Valley Unified School District board, in Model United Nations and on the school’s Academic Decathlon team. . . . Manoj participated on the wrestling team as a freshman and sophomore. . . . He received scholarships from the Mission Community Hospital Auxiliary and the Saddleback Valley Chamber of Commerce. . . . He was named a National Merit Scholar and plans to attend UC Berkeley this fall.


* Liv Gorla

A knee injury may have ended Liv’s swimming and tennis careers as a sophomore, but she stayed involved in school activities. . . . She was the California Scholarship Federation’s secretary/ treasurer in her junior and senior years and a homecoming princess in 1989 and 1990. Liv also served as Newport Harbor’s Girls’ State representative and spent a summer in France through American Field Service. . . . Liv, who lives on Balboa Island and has a 4.13 grade-point average, will attend Stanford this fall. Newport Harbor English teacher Chester Malek had nothing but plaudits for Liv’s talents: “(She) is the most mature, conscientious, motivated, reliable, responsible, kind, well-liked and hard-working student I have ever taught,” he said.


* Paul McGinnis

A flair for the dramatic hasn’t prevented Paul from keeping his sense of humor. . . . In addition to his many roles in plays and musicals at Ocean View, Paul is a big fan of Jim Henson, the late creator of the Muppets. Henson’s work led to Paul’s interest in puppetry, one of many performing arts in which he excels. . . . A drum major in the marching band, Paul was also Band Council president and band historian and a member of the 1992 Tournament of Roses Honor Band. . . . He plays piano for his church choir and received Ocean View’s 1992 Golden Hawk Award for Fine Arts. He was also vice president of the French Club and of his sophomore class, and was a two-time Gavel winner for his work with Model United Nations. . . . Paul, who lives in Huntington Beach, will graduate with a 4.1 grade-point average and will attend UCLA, where he will study theater and film.


* Marco Montenegro

Living in the limelight suits Marco just fine. . . . As Orange’s Commissioner of School Spirit, Marco was responsible for student morale, including writing and orchestrating pep rallies. . . . Says director of activities Diane Erickson: “Marco has a real talent for working a crowd.” . . . Part of that talent stems from Marco’s voice, which he has showcased as a member of the Chamber Singers and Concert Choir. He has been working to establish a Youth Toastmasters Club on campus. . . . Marco played football and baseball before his senior year, but gave up sports to concentrate on his school spirit duties. “The sign of a true leader,” Erickson says. “Marco declined the opportunity to be a potential key player on the football team because of his commitment and dedication to his school office.” Marco will attend USC.


* Daniel Moon

Daniel is graduating as class salutatorian with a 4.02 grade-point average. . . . He has been active with the National Honor Society and the California Scholarship Federation and has taken part in band, musical productions and student government. . . . He works part time to help supplement his family income, and enjoys working with children, collecting, watching TV and shopping. . . . Daniel, who lives in Anaheim, will attend Christ College Irvine this fall and major in education. . . . Says school counselor Esther L. Pearsall: “Daniel is bright and makes the utmost use of his talents. Whenever there is a need, he is ready to volunteer.”



* Charity H. Bracy

Charity has given much of her time and energy to her classmates through the Associated Student Body government offices she has held and as a member of the spirit team, while keeping up a 3.83 grade-point average. . . . As ASB vice president during her senior year, Charity pushed for getting a breath analyzer implemented at all school dances. . . . She has uplifted school pride as a cheerleader since her sophomore year and competed in track and field since her freshman year. . . . Charity, who plans to attend UC Santa Barbara in the fall, has also spent hours as a special education classroom assistant. . . . Last summer, she attended a week of political sessions in Washington through the Presidential Classroom program. . . . Charity, who lives in Garden Grove, lists dance, piano and skiing among her favorite pastimes.


* Daniel Roberts

Dan has been an active participant in the school’s band for four years, demonstrating his leadership qualities by serving as drum major as a senior. . . . When he’s not leading the band, Dan keeps busy in such sports as basketball and track and field and such extracurricular activities as mock trial and the Octagon Club--through which he’s helped to clean up the freeways. . . . Dan’s other community work includes volunteering at a home for retarded children and collecting and distributing food to needy families. He’s also the chairman of the juvenile diabetes fund-raiser. . . . Dan, who lives in Garden Grove, is very interested in politics and is considering it as a career. His guidance counselors believe he “would definitely be a positive contributor to our political system.” . . . A member of the school’s honor roll every quarter, Dan will graduate with a 3.72 grade-point average. He plans to attend USC in the fall.


* Jennifer Kambak

Jennifer has performed well academically with a 3.64 grade-point average and has demonstrated her leadership abilities by holding elected student government positions and being an active member of the National Honor Society, California Scholarship Federation and Rosary’s ministry program. . . . She has been involved on the school’s varsity soccer and tennis teams, receiving freshman athlete of the year and coaches’ varsity swim team awards. . . . Jennifer, a Fullerton resident who is an active member of the National Charity League, lists her hobbies as volunteering for community services and flower arranging. . . . She plans to attend UC San Diego, majoring in biology or premed.


* Guadalupe Barragan-Santana

Guadalupe has been involved with such community service projects as Adopt-a-Family, Feed the Homeless, WalkAmerica and the Red Cross. . . . Her classmates elected Guadalupe as commissioner of arts during her senior year, president of her junior class and vice president of her sophomore class. She’s also worked as a math tutor and was a member of the color guard for three years. . . . Guadalupe plans to attend Stetson University in Florida, where she will major in accounting. She’s earned honors in geometry and algebra on the Golden State Exam and she’ll be graduating with a 4.04 grade-point average. . . . Named a student of the month, one of the Top 100 of ’92 by the Santa Ana Unified School District and a California Scholarship Federation seal bearer, Guadalupe takes time away from her schedule to walk, read and listen to music.


* Eva Medina

Eva served as president of her senior class and of the Home Economics Related Occupations Club, in addition to holding other offices in student government, on the Ethnic Relations Advisory Council and as a representative to the Chamber of Commerce since her sophomore year. . . . Eva, who lives in Capistrano Beach, held court as the homecoming queen, a role that led to becoming a finalist in the state homecoming queen pageant. . . . Besides running in school government, Eva took to track during her sophomore and junior years. . . . She plans on making her love for interior design more than just a hobby when she attends the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.


* Sylvina Elizalde

Just 18 months after Sylvina had arrived from her native Mexico City to Orange County with her family, she was out of the English as a Second Language classes and into the Advanced Placement program and working at her 4.2 grade-point average. . . . She has been a member of the exclusive Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievements (MESA) Club for three years and served as president this year. . . . Sylvina traveled to Spain to participate in a monthlong Earthwatch anthropological dig. . . . As a senior, she spent 20 hours a week doing research in astrophysics for a Cal State Fullerton professor. That has lead to a summer job until she heads east to Boston University, where she will major in mechanical engineering. . . . She has competed on the varsity swim team, sung for the school’s Chamber Singers and served as commissioner of assemblies.



* Marlon Moran

Marlon, who plays lead trumpet in the school band, took over rehearsing the band when the director left midyear. As a vocalist, Marlon was the baritone section leader and a student conductor of the school’s Chamber Singers. He also played the lead in three school musicals and was selected to the Orange County Youth Honor Choir. He competed in football, soccer and badminton. . . . Marlon, whose mother and father moved from Guatemala in 1972, has a 3.8 grade-point average and will attend Cal State Fullerton, where he plans to major in music education with a minor in engineering.


* Carol (Kelly) Sherman

Kelly’s energy has been a driving force in a number of school and community activities. She founded the school’s archive committee, which created a project documenting the history of South Orange County that the school presented at the Southwest Oral History Convention in May. . . . She has also taken a leading role in the school’s drama productions each year and has been an active Drama Club board member. . . . Kelly, who lives in San Juan Capistrano, has devoted her time in the community as president and secretary of the National Charity League, and as a volunteer at the Orange County Performing Arts Center and Make-a-Wish Foundation. . . . She has earned a 4.25 grade-point average and plans to attend Scripps College in Claremont this fall.


* Laura A. Bass

Laura’s decision to major in art at USC starting this fall came as no surprise to those familiar with her work as an illustrator and political cartoonist for the school’s newspaper. She’s won numerous awards, including this year’s The Times Orange County’s high school journalism cartooning award. . . . Says school counselor Rosemarie Malmquist: “Laura is often the standard against which other art students gauge themselves.” . . . Laura, who lives in Garden Grove, earned a 3.56 grade-point average and membership in the National Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation. . . . Laura kept active on the basketball, softball, tennis and varsity swim teams, as well as in the Korean Club and with her hobbies: reading, crafts and, of course, art.


* Alexandria M. White

Alexandria says one of her hobbies is “being a good Samaritan” and she proves it by organizing her school’s blood drive, United Way fund drive, Red Ribbon Week and Walk America activities. . . . She’s active in the pep, science, art and environmental clubs and is a member of the National Honors Society. . . . Alexandria will graduate with a 3.5 grade-point average and plans to attend Pepperdine University. She lives with her mother, four sisters and a brother in Anaheim. . . . Says Renia Yawn, a counselor at Savanna: “Alexandria is the backbone that every organization needs.”


* Ken Mousseau

Ken has been a active in sports and student government. He is a six-time letterman in golf (three years), football (two) and soccer (one), who plans to continue swinging his clubs when he attends Cypress College in the fall. . . . When he isn’t playing sports, the Yorba Linda resident is supporting them as head cheerleader for the Friars’ basketball team. Ken also enjoys coaching Pop Warner football and umpiring Little League games. . . . As student body president, Ken has demonstrated the qualities of leadership so important to the functioning of student government. Says Principal Raymond Dunne: “He is very easy to work with and willing to provide service to his school whenever called upon.”


* Manuel Bartolini

Manuel aspires to major in international business with a minor in Spanish at Cal State Fullerton and would like to own his own business some day. . . . Manuel, president of Sonora’s student body, is involved in the ski and running clubs and a leadership program through the city of La Habra. . . . He played football his freshman year, soccer in his junior year and has been a member of the varsity track and field team for three years. . . . His spirited nature was seen off the playing fields as well, as Manuel was a member of the co-ed drill team last year and pep chairman of his sophomore class. . . . Manuel, who lists his hobbies as reading and playing the saxophone, lives with his family and grandmother in Fullerton.



* Nathan Lambie

Nathan was one of Orange County’s top 25-ranked quarterbacks this year. He helped lead the Flames to the Southern Section Division X championship, passing for four touchdowns and 623 yards. Nathan was also among the county interception leaders with four. . . . Nathan also competed in basketball and baseball and acted in school plays, including “Fiddler on the Roof” and “You Can’t Take It With You.” . . . A fan of water sports, he enjoys white-water river rafting and jet-skiing. . . . After graduating with a 3.6 grade-point average, Nathan plans on attending Rancho Santiago College and then wants to become a pastor. . . . Nathan, who lives in Anaheim, was also student body president this year.


* Andre Lear

Andre is interested in acting and directing in theater and film. . . . He has a special interest in lighting, having spent many hours helping to create dramatic lighting effects for school productions such as “Our Town,” “Peter Pan,” “West Side Story” and “Alice in Wonderland.” He also served as technical director of the play “Robin Hood” for Coastline Community College. . . . Andre worked with a small group of students to write, direct and film a movie titled “The Sandman,” which deals with drug abuse. . . . He played junior varsity football for two years, was on the track and field team as a freshman and this year competed in cross-country. . . . Andre, a two-year member of the Latin Club and three-year member of the Drama Club, plans on attending Whittier College.


* Michael W. Stephens

In his junior year, Mike was asked to take over the student council to improve student morale, a job he performed so well that he continued in the role as a senior. . . . He earned the respect of his peers and teachers with his willingness to lead by example. Says Principal Rev. Hubert S. Szanto: “Under his leadership, the student body experiences a great surge of positive school spirit, emphasizing action rather than cheers and big talk.” . . . As a junior, Mike was a Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge award winner. He has also been a member of the National Honor Society for three years. . . . Mike, who plans to attend a community college in the fall, then transfer to a four-year school, was also active on the school newspaper and yearbook, with the baseball team and in the Academic Decathlon.


* Edgar Silva

Not many high school students have administrators come to them seeking guidance, but Edgar is the exception--and exceptional. . . .”Edgar’s one upon whom I call . . . for advice,” Principal George Giokaris said. “He is an excellent role model for his fellow students.”. . . Edgar’s accomplishments support such praise. He was student body president this year and an active member of the Inter-Ethnic Relations Committee. . . . Edgar, bound for UC Santa Barbara, was active in drama at Sunny Hills, with roles in the spring play and spring musical and participation in the first annual Drama-a-Thon. . . . Edgar, who lives in Fullerton, stays involved with sports despite being sidelined by health problems after playing football as a freshman. He filmed the varsity football games and practices. . . . He cites as a hobby “increasing the peace in urban neighborhoods and civil rights.”


* Eric C. Hollowaty

Eric, who is headed for Yale, where he will major in political science, has served as president of the National Honor Society, editor-in-chief of the school’s literary magazine, Embers, and student member of the Saddleback Valley Unified School District Board of Education, representing students from all five high schools in the district. . . . On the athletic field, Eric has participated in junior varsity and varsity golf and varsity lacrosse. And in his spare time, he enjoys working on his golf game, reading, watching movies and listening to music. . . . Despite additional commitments to the Academic Decathlon team, the California Scholarship Federation and yearbook production, Eric, who lives in Lake Forest, still earned a 4.63 grade-point average.


* Layne L. Mosler

Besides being editor-in-chief and the opinion editor of the Oracle, the school’s Gallup Award-winning newspaper, Layne’s work has already been published in the national student magazine Merlin Pen and in anthologies from the National Library of Poetry. Layne plans to major in modern languages and anthropology at Pomona College this fall. . . . She took first place in liberal arts and the $2,000 scholarship prize from Bank of America recently. . . . Layne, who has a 4.59 grade-point average, is secretary and seal bearer of the California Scholarship Federation, a member of the National Honor Society and a full diploma candidate in the International Baccalaureate program. She has also served as president and secretary of Key Club and as the school’s mascot. . . . Athletically, this Yorba Linda resident has competed in varsity soccer, track and cross-country since her sophomore year.



* Mark Linden

Mark is an artistically motivated student who has developed his skills in ceramics. He is a semi-professional artist, selling and displaying his work in Tustin and Laguna Beach, where he began working as a goldsmith last summer. . . .Says Lisa Roseman, chairman of the school’s fine arts department: “Neighbors and friends of his parents have started taking orders for ceramic dishes and art pieces.” . . .He has also been a member of the Tillers’ football (starting fullback) and track and field (long jump) teams and active with the Art Club. . . .Mark will graduate with a 3.0 grade-point average and plans to attend Orange Coast College.


* Olivia N. Herman

For her original music compo-

sitions, Olivia has received several awards, among them first prize nationally from Westminster Choir College, the Disney Creativity Challenge gold medallion three times, and second prize statewide twice at UC Santa Barbara College of Creative Studies. . . . She has worked with the Orange County Philharmonic Society’s Musical Encounters program and performed at local schools and senior citizen communities, in addition to accompanying student performers in the high school’s fine arts department. . . . Olivia is also an accomplished writer. . . . In addition, Olivia, who has a 4.42 grade-point average, is an officer in Amnesty International and the German Club. . . . She will focus on piano performance and composition when she attends Harvard after taking a year off to attend Juilliard.


* Robert Bae

Valencia activities director Bob Parish calls Robert “the epitome of the all-around student.” His accomplishments include being the student body president, treasurer of his freshman and sophomore classes, the most valuable player of the tennis team and captain of the tennis and basketball teams for two years. . . . He is active in the Spanish Club, California Scholarship Federation, National Honor Society and Junior Statesmen of America, and was chosen the student mayor of Placentia. . . . He will take his 4.0 grade-point average to UC San Diego, where he plans on majoring in premed and economics. . . . Robert came to the United States from South Korea at 6, and his athletic achievements are even more remarkable, considering he was severely injured at age 8 in a car accident.


* Lorraine Mahru

Photography has become an important part of Lorraine’s creative expression, which she has developed working with non-traditional materials and processes. She has displayed her work in many local exhibits, including the district honors art shows, and she has placed in many local contests. . . . She spent her freshman and sophomore years acting in campus theater productions and has remained active in the Drama Club. She has also lent her talent for painting by working on murals for school events. . . . Lorraine, who lives in Anaheim, enjoys making original jewelry, restructuring vintage fashions, playing her bass guitar and reading novels. . . . An interest in fashion photography leads Lorraine, who has a 3.83 grade-point average, to Cal State Long Beach in the fall.


* Catherina Sun

Catherina’s wide interests range from the French Club and the speech and debate team to community volunteer work through the campus-based Girl’s League, for which she has served as president and coordinated events such as blood and food drives and a Red Cross first-aid class for her peers. . . . As a member of the California Scholarship Federation and National Honor Society and with a 4.19 grade-point average, Catherina has participated annually in the Orange County Academic Decathalon since her freshman year and the Kiwanis Bowl the past two years. . . . The Stanton resident also served as Associated Student Body treasurer, sang in the school choir and worked part-time as a customer service representative at Bank of America. . . . Catherina is considering a major in economics, physics or psychology when she attends Pomona College in the fall.


* Molly Rutledge

Being the new kid in school during her sophomore year did not keep this transplanted Texan from getting involved. Molly has been a liaison to the student government class as a member of the House of Commons and a student representative to the district’s Board of Education. . . . A California Scholarship Federation member with a 4.14 grade-point average, Molly is a member of the Advanced Placement Club and serves as senior class president. This year, she was honored with a Leo Medallion for leadership, as Outstanding Student of the Year and as coronation princess. . . . Molly, who lives in Garden Grove, keeps her edge competing on the varsity track, swim and volleyball teams. She also volunteers at an AIDS food store in Long Beach and is involved with her church youth group. . . . She is considering a career in veterinary medicine when she attends UC Davis.



* Elizabeth Aguilera

Rising to the top of her class as senior class president and the editor of the school newspaper is not just what distinguishes Elizabeth from her peers, according to director of activities John M. Harris: “Elizabeth is one of those rare individuals who seeks positions of leadership to serve others and for the general improvement of the group.” . . . After three years on her high school newspaper, Elizabeth has decided to major in journalism at Azusa Pacific University. . . . She also found time to participate in varsity basketball, track and in the Swim Club when not spending time on her hobbies: reading and photography. . . . Elizabeth’s dedication to excel stems from her admiration for her father, a first generation Mexican-American and self-made man.


* Bob Lee

Bob was captain of the varsity football team the past two years and was honored as the most inspirational player his senior year. He has also competed in varsity volleyball and junior varsity track and wrestling. . . . Bob maintained a 3.60 grade-point average that has landed him on the principal’s honor roll since his freshman year. . . . As student body vice president during his senior year and junior class president the year before, Bob has been active in organizing school events. . . . His commitment to the Irvine community has included graffiti abatement, collecting and cooking food for needy families and the homeless, and going to Tijuana, Mexico, with Amor ministries to build housing for homeless families. This experience has inspired Bob to consider fields in the ministry and psychology when he attends Westmont College in Santa Barbara.
