
Krone Can’t Whip ‘Em All, Even With Some Extra Help

Associated Press

Nearing the finish of Wednesday’s fourth race at Belmont Park, jockey Julie Krone found herself in possession of two whips, her own and Chris Antley’s.

Krone, aboard Jennifer’s Cash, discarded Antley’s within yards of the wire but not before she had used it four or five times on her mount. The extra equipment, which was ruled by the stewards to have come to Krone inadvertently, did not help. Dashing Barronness nipped Jennifer’s Cash by a head. Antley’s mount, Sensitize, finished third.

There was no disqualification because there is nothing in the rules of racing to cover such an eventuality.


While three horses were abreast nearing midstretch, “Antley lost his whip and it went across Julie’s Lap,” NYRA steward Bill Boland said. “She found herself with two whips, but it was inadvertent. If one jockey had handed his whip to another, it would be against the rules. Also, if a jockey physically took the whip away from another, it would not be allowed. But this was unintentional.”
