
State of the City: Stevens vs. Gays; Golding vs. Navarro; Recall vs. Filner


Political fallout.

* The fight may have just begun between San Diego Councilman George Stevens and the gay and lesbian newspapers over his refusal to sign a city resolution for Gay and Lesbian Archives Month. He was the only council member to refuse.

Stevens shows no signs of backing down. His office refused to provide a picture to the newspaper Bravo for a story on the flap.

* Susan Golding is changing her campaign lineup (and strategy) for the runoff with Peter Navarro.


Dan McAllister, an aide to Golding during her City Council days, will leave his job selling time for KCLX-FM radio to become campaign manager and media point man.

Political consultant Tom Shepard will play a lesser role than during the primary, and George Gorton, an insider with Gov. Pete Wilson, will play a greater role.

Among other things, the Golding camp wants a better get-out-the-vote effort.

(Navarro grumbles that Golding will end up paying people to match his all-volunteer “ground effort.”)

In a related move, Shepard is leaving his Primacy Group political partnership with muckraker Larry Remer to run a new campaign wing (Campaign Strategy Group) of the Stoorza Ziegaus & Metzger public relations firm.

And what of Shepard’s guilty plea to a charge of conspiracy in a plot to help Roger Hedgecock become mayor in 1983 by breaking any campaign laws that stood in the way?

“That’s history,” said a Stoorza Ziegaus & Metzger spokesman.

* As the Democratic nominee in the heavily Democratic 50st Congressional District, San Diego Councilman Bob Filner would seem to be on the verge of leaving his council job for Washington.


But that hasn’t stopped a recall movement bent on removing Filner from the council. The recallers are peeved at all the money Filner spent in the congressional primary.

“The Committee of 100 To Recall Big Bucks Bob Filner” is promising a neighborhood blitz to get enough signatures to force a vote.

Quake Watch

Stuff here, stuff there, stuff everywhere.

* Political consultant Ann Shanahan-Walsh, who once lived in Japan (where there are lots of earthquakes), says the Japanese gauge a quake’s severity by their wind chimes.

If the chimes are swaying to and fro, no big deal. If the chimes are bouncing up and down, watch out.

* Spotted by Mary Peshel in Hillcrest: A down-and-outer, pushing a grocery cart full of his life’s belongings, wearing a “Bush-Quayle ‘88” T-shirt.

* Earthquake weather?

Because of the recent temblors, Sea World closed down its sky tower. But the sign is a tad misleading: “Closed Due To Weather Conditions.”

* There will be no fireworks at the Del Mar Fair tomorrow, but there will be boxing.

Amateur bouts, with lots of Navy and Marine fighters, start at noon. A five-fight pro card starts at 6 p.m.


* Yes, the fair did place the Border Patrol and the Tijuana Visitors Bureau in adjoining booths.

* Martha Sikes of Oceanside knows of a psychiatrist who named his yacht “The Shrink Boat.”

* Political sensitivity, Over-the-Line style.

Team name for next weekend’s OTL tournament on Fiesta Island: “Will Lose for Food.”

Chauvinistic Cheerleading

Attention all zygotes.

The outdoor “debate” staged by KFMB-radio between Rancho Bernardo wise guy Evan Keliher (founder of NORM, National Organization of Real Men) and radio host Geni Cavitt lured several dozen curious people to the parking lot of the Sports Arena.

Including Jim Ridge, 31, who just moved to San Diego from Virginia. He came to root for Keliher and his team of male chauvinists.

Ridge was dressed in a T-shirt adorned front and back with H. L. Mencken sayings (sample: “The two sexes mutually corrupt and improve each other”) and other doodads.

Among the doodads were drawings of spermatozoa in mid-swim. Why spermatozoa?

“Team mascots,” Ridge explained.

(Regardless of what you may think, I don’t make these things up.)
