
Being a Watchdog at Norwalk City Hall


Anyone who has read the minutes of or attended council meetings during the last several months knows that Jim Brannan, as the self-appointed grand inquisitor of Walnut, has wasted innumerable hours of staff time in researching nonexistent discrepancies (Times, July 5).

I know that many Walnut taxpayers, like myself, are weary of his obsessive witch hunt and resent his intimidation of and interference with our employees who are trying to do their jobs. It’s time for us too to speak out and make our collective voices louder than Mr. Brannan’s. We should no longer remain a polite “silent majority” but make clear the message that we consider this crusade against evil at City Hall wasteful and unnecessary. It is also evident to many of us that the staff has been extremely tolerant and has been too accommodating for too long.

We need to make clear to Mr. Brannan that a good watchdog does not bark all the time. Thus relieved of the awesome responsibility of single-handedly guarding against the forces of evil and corruption in Walnut, Mr. Brannan might be able to enjoy his well-earned retirement.



