
Chief Gets Write to Point of Visit

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They came for the beef--straight talk about the Los Angeles riots and the Rodney King controversy--and got souffle instead.

Appearing before 430 book-lovers at the Balboa Bay Club last week, retired Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl F. Gates--looking every bit the yacht-club type in a golden tan and baby-blue blazer--played it light and loose, mostly talking about the writing process.

For starters: “It’s hard work, writing.” And: “If you have an ego--of course I don’t have one--write your biography; it’s a very humbling experience.”

His introduction by Round Table West chairwoman Margaret Burk was another lesson in humility. Quoting Gates from his book, “Chief, My Life in the LAPD,” Burk read: “ ‘No way in the world . . . will I ever become a dumb cop.’ ”

Retorted a red-faced Gates: “Let me say I am not dumb . . . and that it’s always nice to hear the laughs usually reserved for stand-up comics.”


Then Gates held up a T-shirt he had received from a Round Table admirer. It read, “I Don’t Brake for Bradley and Knucklehead Liberals.”

“I do a lot of running; I’ll wear this,” he promised.

There was more talk about writing--”I used to tease (author and ex-cop) Joseph Wambaugh about how easy it was. . . . I don’t do that anymore”--a few jabs at the media for negative book reviews, a poignant moment when he spoke of his drug-addicted son--”the most beautiful son you’ve ever seen . . . bitten by a plague when he was a teen-ager that he has never been able to break out of”--and then, it was over.

Felicia Bukaty was disappointed. “I came wanting to ask him about the riots and whether or not he was going to have a political career in Orange County,” she wailed. Too bad. Unlike past events, where celebs like Zsa Zsa Gabor and Ginger Rogers welcomed questions, Gates went straight from his speech to signing books.


Privately, Gates--who owns a condo in San Clemente--confided he has no immediate plans to run for political office in Orange County. “I was in public office for 43 years. I’m going to give it a rest . . . but I don’t want to close off any options,” he said.

He says he plans to spend more time in Orange County. “It’s so much more friendly,” he told the crowd.

Bren and Bush at a bash: Insiders say Newport Beach billionaire Donald Bren--with companion Carol Hayes--was seated right next to President Bush at a private Los Angeles dinner party held at John Kilroy’s Villa Sparviero last week. Also at the repast, catered by Prego, were Gov. Pete Wilson, William Lyon and Prego owner Anwar Soliman. On the menu, which Prego may incorporate into its regular offerings as a Presidential Special, were mozzarella alla caprese, pasta stuffed with fresh Maine lobster, roasted rack of veal and an almond pastry basket filled with vanilla gelato and wild berries. The man in charge: Franco Vessia, general manager of Prego in Irvine.


Upcoming: The new Il Fornaio Cucina Expressa restaurant in Costa Mesa will be the site of the post-performance cast party for “The Secret Garden” when it opens at the Orange County Performing Arts Center on Aug. 15. . . . The Patron Party for CosmoFusion, the Sept. 19 gala kickoff of South Coast Repertory’s new season, will be Wednesday at the new Diva restaurant in Costa Mesa. Among guests will be gala chairwoman Janice Johnson of Laguna Beach. Confused about the word CosmoFusion ? “It’s a today word,” dreamed up by the gala committee, says SCR spokeswoman Madeline Porter. “A decor concept that will blend the textures, sights and sounds of contemporary street art in all forms.” The gala reception will unfold outside Plaza Tower in Costa Mesa with dinner and dancing following at the Westin South Coast Plaza hotel.
