
LOS ANGELES : Lawyer Strikes Back at Firm That Fired Him

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Dennis Palmieri, who has represented a main defendant charged in the April 29 attacks on motorists at Florence and Normandie avenues, Friday accused his former law firm of slandering him and subverting his efforts in court.

Until last week, Palmieri worked for the Center for Constitutional Law and Justice, but he was fired on the final day of a preliminary hearing for three suspects, including Damian Monroe (Football) Williams, whom Palmieri represented. The center said it fired Palmieri after a review of his work and resume.

“If my person and name have been intentionally slandered in a deliberate attempt to preclude my representation of Damian for fear that I would do too good a job and obtain either complete or partial exoneration, then truly our justice system has degenerated into a vast and darkened abyss from which I am apprehensive it shall never again arise,” Palmieri said at the conclusion of a 22-page written statement.


Williams and the other defendants are scheduled to be arraigned in Superior Court next week. At that hearing, Williams is expected to change attorneys.
