
It Was Just a Sad Day and a Sad Way to See It End for Bird Watchers

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Mike Downey set sportswriting back a couple of decades with his Aug. 19 column. To focus on Larry Bird’s color in such a tasteless manner in itself is unconscionable, but to do it in a Los Angeles paper does a grave disservice, not only to sports fans, but to all Los Angeles residents as well.

Stirring the pot of black vs. white shows a flagrant lack of sensitivity. Was Mr. Downey on another planet during the late-April, early-May riots? Is sportswriting so competitive that he would stoop so low to find a unique angle upon the retirement of a major sports figure?

Allowing such a column in your publication discredits journalism and your publication in particular. Where were the editors when this article was submitted? Entrusted with the power to help, they share in the blame and the shame.



La Crescenta
