
Boy Granted ‘Divorce’ From Parents


I’m sorry Circuit Judge Thomas F. Kirk terminated the parental rights of Rachel Kingsley and granted her biological son, Gregory, a divorce (“Boy Granted Divorce From Natural Parents,” Sept. 26). My sadness is not for Mrs. Kingsley, but for Gregory. I, too, come from parents who mistreated and abandoned me. Though I would have, if I could have, I am thankful I was not allowed to “divorce” my mom.

To separate a child from his parents, because of their sins in the past, especially if the mother is sorry and willing to go to counseling with her son, as Kingsley is, will destroy the environment that is needed for the child to deal with his hurt and resolve his anger.

Living with adoptive parents will interfere with the important atmosphere needed to bring healing. I don’t suggest that Gregory live with his mom and forget the past, but he is too young to decide that he wants the relationship terminated.



