
‘Bottom-of-Barrel’ Remark on Voter Drive


There is no such thing as a “bottom-of-the-barrel” American. Mr. Fuentes’ statement is an insult to all Americans, no matter what party they are affiliated with.

It is this type of thinking that has put this great nation where we are today--bottom-of-the-barrel thinking--by the people who are supposed to be leading our country. It is time for that kind of thinking to go.

No one will ever know the name of the last American to ever register to vote. How many remember the last Americans to die in Vietnam? How many of us remember the brave American men and women of Desert Storm who will never register and vote? Were they at the bottom of the barrel?


I am angered to think that Mr. Fuentes, as chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County, could refer to any American who exercises his or her right to register to vote as being at the bottom of the barrel.

Regardless of what party is registering voters, it is a basic right of American citizenship to register and to vote. The right to vote shadows the beginning of this great nation for which we and our loved ones, past and present, are so willing to give our lives so that we have the right to vote.


Santa Ana
