

<i> Compiled by Trin Yarborough</i> , <i> For The Times</i>

President, California Coalition for Immigration Reform and retired border patrol agent, Mission Viejo.

The first responsibility of anyone coming to this country is to come here legally and to follow our laws.

Our group is opposed to illegal aliens. It’s not about racism. We don’t care what color, what race or what nationality they are, but we care that we’re being invaded by people breaking the law.


All these people have bled our systems dry.

Most of the immigrants who come here, legal or illegal, are hard-working, decent people. But we just can’t keep accepting everybody when we have 10% unemployment ourselves and they’re competing for jobs with our less-skilled citizens.

In addition, some immigrants now are demanding that their culture and language be given special treatment, or even predominate. Some immigrant organizations are even screaming that they’ll never assimilate, that they want to live here but keep their own culture and language. I say people can still honor their own heritages, but America has always been a melting pot and should continue to be.

The United States has a valid and generous policy for legal immigration. We simply must put a stop to the invasion coming through our back door.
