
Koll’s Plans for Bolsa Chica Wetlands


Marla Cone’s article “Experts Weigh Desalination’s Promise, Impact” (Nov. 29) was insightful and timely. The benefits from the technology of desalination plants may not outweigh the burdens.

Huntington Beach is mentioned as a city that will house a desalination plant that will produce 5 million gallons of water per day to be used throughout Southern California. The facts are that Huntington Beach alone will need the 5 million gallons per day generated if the massive Bolsa Chica development goes through.

Before the coastline is further degraded and the Bolsa Chica is gone, the people of this community must begin to redefine “community development.” We still have time. Save it. Don’t pave it.



President, Bolsa Chica Land Trust

Huntington Beach
