
Wise Hiring of Crime Aide


Congratulations to Oxnard Police Chief Harold Hurtt and City Manager Vern Hazen for their very wise selection of Mabi Plisky to be the crime prevention coordinator.

They obviously understand that the coordinator’s role is and has been one of facilitating public access to the Police Department and its varied areas of expertise. What better person to perform that job than the very personable and articulate Mabi Plisky. Her interpersonal skills and knowledge of our community, combined with her dedication and energy, will be a major source of assistance to the police department and the citizens of Oxnard.

On a sad note, I was sorry to see our new city clerk trade his objectivity for a little political mileage. If there is any position in the city that requires the ultimate in objectivity as the official recorder of city business, it is the city clerk. His attacks on the city manager and Councilman Mike Plisky could certainly call to question how he can work effectively with them in the future.



Chief of Police (Retired), Oxnard
