


No one is more pleased with the two-week Super Bowl preparation period than Marv Levy, whose Buffalo Bills roster is dotted with players in need of injury recuperation time.

Shortly after the Bills arrived in Los Angeles Sunday, Levy provided an updated injury report. The players of note:

--Quarterback Jim Kelly.

Kelly, whose injured knee was a source of debate before the AFC championship game against Miami, is “fine,” said Levy.


--Running back Thurman Thomas.

“Thurman is better than he’s been in quite some time,” Levy said. “He practiced all week.”

--Defensive end Bruce Smith.

“(He’s) better than he’s been, but he still has somewhat sore ribs,” Levy said.

--Linebacker Cornelius Bennett.

Bennett missed some practice time last week because of a sore hamstring.

--Linebacker Darryl Talley.

Talley also missed practice because of an injury, this one a little out of the ordinary.

“He had an accident at home, where he cut his mouth,” Levy said. “It wasn’t a fight. It was a screwy thing where he was trying to fix something down in the basement. He was going through a small area and he pushed the back of his neck up against a hot pipe and got a good burn there and when he reacted, he slammed his face against a board that was protruding and got himself about eight stitches in his mouth.”

The stitches will be removed today.

Levy caught himself in mid-complaint Sunday morning as he prepared for the team charter to Southern California.

“I got up this morning and one thing I hate to do is pack,” he said. “On a weeklong trip you’ve got to pack more and I’m trying to fold (clothes) and I said, ‘Man, I hate packing.’ Then I said to myself, ‘How would you like to not be packing?’ I’m pleased to be here.”
