
GADFLY’S REWARD: One nice thing about being...


GADFLY’S REWARD: One nice thing about being a gadfly: You don’t have to worry about reelection. So as politicians rose and fell, Carroll Lorbeer remained a steady presence at meetings of the Ventura County supervisors and the Oxnard City Council since 1958. . . . On June 22, supervisors plan to name the Victoria Avenue bridge over the Santa Clara River in honor of the 85-year-old Oxnard resident. . . . Ever the gadfly, Lorbeer has a suggestion: “They need to landscape it.”

HOSPITAL VISIT: When gang members followed their wounded to Los Robles Regional Medical Center after a gun battle late Saturday (B1), it raised issues of staff and patient safety at the Thousand Oaks hospital. “There were easily 30 or 40 known gang members congregating in different parts of the hospital parking lots,” Sheriff’s Sgt. Pat Buckley said. There was no trouble, but staffers said the days are over when hospitals were considered neutral territory. “We work very closely with the authorities to assure the safety of everyone involved,” said Joan Kryshak, the hospital’s marketing director.

FLAG WAVER: As holidays go, Flag Day ranks right down there with Arbor Day, Law Day and United Nations Day. “In California it doesn’t seem to be a big deal,” said Carol Lanshe, co-owner of American Eagle Flags and Banners in Ventura. . . . Even so, today’s holiday comes during a banner time of year for flag dealers, she said. “From Memorial Day to Fourth of July is like Christmas season.”


MALCONTENTS: It’s called Calle Contento, but residents were far from happy with the heavy traffic on their Thousand Oaks street. Seems the road provided a shortcut between the Santa Rosa Valley and California 23. . . . “It was like a freeway,” said Marie Robings. “You couldn’t back out of your driveway.” Last month, city officials closed the street at one end. “It’s wonderful,” Robings said. But a fuming Camarillo resident has appealed to Street Smart (B1).
