
What’s Funny and Who Isn’t


Counterpunch continues to be the most entertaining section of the entire Los Angeles Times, and that’s including the funny pages.

James Retter is exactly right in his assessment of the perpetually smug Jay Leno and his mean-spirited anti-Clinton bias (“Good-Guy Leno Tells Some Mean Jokes,” June 28). Retter only forgot one detail: Leno simply is not funny.

The true comic in Counterpunch, although unintentional, is Sam Rubin, who hopes that some day Howard Rosenberg will understand what they’re trying to do on the “KTLA Morning News.” If so, maybe Rosenberg will explain it to the rest of us slower folks out here.


Meanwhile, Rubin states that his show has the smartest viewers in town based on his viewer mail. “They get the joke,” Rubin says.

Will someone please tell this guy that we are laughing at him, not with him? Furthermore, his 15 minutes have come and gone.


Long Beach
