
Braude’s Smoking Ban Is Anti-Business


* The smoking ban that Councilman Marvin Braude is trying to pass is not due to cigarettes’ being bad for everyone’s health but the fact that Councilman Braude is an anti-business man.

Since when does a political leader start dictating what is good or not good for the people? Since when does a politician decide businesses should be financially hit hard again, with a huge possibility that the doors would have to close? Businesses should have the right to choose smoking or nonsmoking.

I guess Councilman Braude needs a little coaching from a common-sense constituent.

First, he needs to crack down on illegal gang activity, so when dining or shopping the consumer does not have to worry about a drive-by shooting inside or outside of a establishment.


Secondly, he should endorse a law to keep children from taking guns to school to use on other children.

Last but not least, he should help to stop the influx of illegal immigration, and help stop terrorism.

I find it interesting that we have a new mayor who says he is Pro-Business, and Mr. Braude who is anti-business. Someone has to give. Wake up Mr. Braude; smell the roses.

Public safety is not a cigarette, but crime issues that must be addressed.


Van Nuys
