
History Society’s Auction Strictly by the Book

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You may have seen that car commercial on TV where the guy who has just bought a carousel horse at an auction waves at his female companion and ends up buying a humongous statue?

That is not how it will work at the third annual Book Sale and Auction put on this weekend by the Historical Society of Southern California at its headquarters at the Lummis Home and Gardens in Highland Park.

People who want to purchase any of the 90-odd rare books, prints and other historical memorabilia can first submit written bids, which will be announced as the item is brought to the block. Or they can bid by number.


Participants “register and they get a number in the order they come, and they hold up that card and bid through that number,” said Tom Andrews, executive director of the historical society and the man putting the auction together. That will be on Sunday.

Saturday is the book sale, and it will be pretty straightforward. Two rooms will be loaded with books on history, gardening, cooking, art, baseball. There will be mysteries, biographies, travel and children’s books. And that does not count the books in the home’s gift shop.

Or try the ephemera table of antique pamphlets, menus and other items that usually get thrown away once outdated and so have become rarities. It kind of gives you a new respect for junk mail.


Book prices start at 50 cents, with the more expensive books running about $5.

The auction items all have estimated values between $25 and $750.

Book sale hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. The auction will be between 2 and 4 p.m. Sunday, with a preview of the items at 1 p.m.

Admission to the auction is $3.50, which includes a catalogue. You can get into the book sale free. Both are at the Lummis Home, 200 E. Avenue 43. Information: (213) 222-0546 or (213) 222-0771.
