
FULLERTON : City Seeks Applicants for Posts on 9 Boards

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The city is seeking 23 people to serve on nine of the commissions and committees that advise the City Council.

Many of the issues decided by the council are first considered by boards such as the Planning Commission or the Community Services Commission, both of which need three new members.

“They really do a tremendous amount of work,” said Councilman Don Bankhead. “I don’t believe most cities could get along without their commissions.”


Many of the current council members cut their teeth at the commission level. Councilman A.B. (Buck) Catlin served on the Planning Commission for eight years.

The commissions have a fair amount of power. Planning Commission Chairman Wade Richmond said the panel reviews major development projects and works with residents concerned about new projects.

The Transportation and Circulation Commission hears requests from the public for new stop signs, traffic lights or other traffic changes. The commission needs four members.


Catlin noted that the Airport Noise and Safety Committee, formed in 1981, has helped the council to deal with complaints about noise at the Fullerton Municipal Airport. “They filter an awful lot of the problems,” Catlin said. That commission needs two new members.

Catlin said his introduction to city politics came in 1969 when he joined the Citizens Commission for Joint Powers Action, which explored how to bring a stadium, tennis courts and a pool to the city.

The idea for Independence Park grew out of that commission, Catlin said, and was approved by the council.


The Energy and Resource Management Committee, which studies energy conservation and alternative energy sources, needs five members.

The Library Board of Trustees, which sets library policy and regulations, needs two new members. The Central Fullerton Redevelopment Project Area Committee, which considers growth and change in the downtown area, needs four new members.

The Community Development Citizens Committee needs three members and the Bicycle Users Subcommittee needs one more person.

None of the commission positions pay, except for the Planning Commission, which pays $75 per meeting.

People interested in applying should call the council office at (714) 738-6311. Applications are due Oct. 8.
