
Lacey Asked to Meet on Welfare Reform

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Ventura County Supervisor Susan K. Lacey has been asked to meet today with President Clinton’s advisers to discuss welfare reform at a workshop in San Francisco.

Lacey said she was approached by members of the Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence to share the county’s ideas for changing the welfare system.

Over the past year the county has reduced the number of single people receiving general relief by working with various government agencies to help recipients get jobs.


“We may be the only county in the United States that is cutting our general relief,” said Lacey, chairwoman of the Human Services and Education Steering Committee for the National Assn. of Counties. She said she will attend the meeting with Helen Reburn, the head of the county’s welfare department.

Lacey said Clinton’s group has been assigned to outline ways to provide education, training and other services to help people find jobs and stay off welfare.
