
TURKEY & DIVERSITY: The Santa Ana Unified...


TURKEY & DIVERSITY: The Santa Ana Unified School District wants to put a different twist on Thanksgiving. Its board the past week passed a resolution calling attention to the contributions of American Indians, as well as the pilgrims. . . . The resolution states in part that the school district “pledges on this Thanksgiving to give thanks for all Americans, both native born and newcomers, who form the colors and textures of the rich and diverse fabric of this nation.”

BRIDGING THE GAP: With the hotel business down in so many places, the Westin South Coast Plaza is pointing to one specific reason its occupancy rate is up 15% this year: The overhead bridge linking the hotel to South Coast Plaza. The Unity Bridge, as it’s called, was put in operation a year ago so shoppers wouldn’t have to dodge traffic on Bristol Street. Says a hotel spokesman: “The bridge has attracted guests who stay overnight to shop at South Coast Plaza.”

HOLY CARD: Here’s a new twist on youngsters’ trading cards: Saints of the Catholic Church. Almost all of the 40-card, full-color set are well-known saints. One exception is Father Junipero Serra, founder of San Juan Capistrano, who has yet to make the final leap to canonization. But because of Serra’s reputation for evangelism, “he seemed like the most appropriate person to associate with the set,” says Jim Shanley, a devoted Catholic whose company is manufacturing the cards. “In a way, I’m pumping him.”


TIGHT SEAL: The Seal Beach City Council wants to add some toughness to campaign financing laws that affect the city’s local elections. One consideration: Make campaign donors report their employment. Some have argued that Seal Beach doesn’t have the staff to check the accuracy of such statements. But Councilman Frank Laszlo has defended the proposal: “This is a small town; things have a way of being discovered on their own without staff. We have very interested residents.”
