
Your Castoffs Can Make Another’s Day


On Nov. 20, I participated in the Fall Neighborhood Council Clean-Up for the city of Simi Valley. Given the many containers we loaded, I would say the event was successful.

Aside from the tons of usable firewood and lumber, we loaded large appliances, children’s bicycles, electronic equipment, exercise equipment, furniture and so forth in new or good condition. How frustrating it was to throw away these items.

Sometimes, because of our busy schedules, it is easier to discard rather than donate. Please, if you have a usable item, call Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Tell them you will leave it on the side of your house so you won’t need to be there when they arrive. They usually request your presence for the charitable contribution tax deductible receipt. Let them know you don’t want the receipt, or that it is fine to stick it under the door.


Let another person get some use out of what you no longer need. It just could be that little bicycle your son or daughter has outgrown. There are a lot of children without anything.

Joseph R. Vesalga

Simi Valley
