
Lockheed to Lend CalArts 3 Buildings for Classes

Lockheed Corp. will lend CalArts in Valencia emergency space in which to conduct its academic programs while repairs are made to its earthquake-damaged campus, it was announced Wednesday.

The aerospace company has decided to allow the institute to use three buildings, comprising 160,000 square feet, in its vacant Rye Canyon research center, while CalArts repairs its own facilities. The private arts institute sustained between $12 million and $15 million in damages in the Jan. 17 earthquake.

“This is a tremendous act of philanthropy by the Lockheed Corp.,” CalArts President Steven Lavine said. “Their facility . . . is less than five miles from CalArts. This means that we can proceed with our educational and artistic programs with a minimum of disruption.” Classes that will meet in the donated facilities are those in art, film/video, world music and critical studies. Certain dance and theater classes will also meet there. CalArts is a four-year institution offering bachelor of fine arts and master of fine arts degrees in dance, film/video, music, theater and visual arts.
