
SEAL BEACH : City Joins Groups Planning Base Use


The city this week officially joined two groups seeking to craft separate redevelopment plans for the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.

The City Council on Monday voted to join both a panel that favors converting the base into a commercial airport as well as a county-sponsored agency, which includes some cities that oppose an airport use for El Toro.

Officials said joining both groups will underscore the city’s neutrality on the airport issue.


“We just really want to get the most information,” said Councilman Frank Laszlo, who will serve on the two groups. “The real issue is to represent our residents and to maintain our neutrality.”

Laszlo has been attending Orange County Regional Airport Authority meetings for several months. Members of the group--who include representatives from Newport Beach, Anaheim and Garden Grove--said that turning the 4,700-acre base into an air cargo facility could give the county economy a boost.

But several South County cities opposed to the idea of a commercial airport fear it will generate traffic, noise and pollution.

The county is sponsoring its own agency charged with creating a redevelopment plan for the base once the military pulls out by the end of the decade. The agency will look at several options, including an airport.

But some cities on the agency’s nine-member executive board--such as Irvine and Lake Forest--are opposed to a commercial airport.

Laszlo said he will report to the council periodically on both groups.
