
AIDS Care Comes Up Short in Funding Bid

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AIDS Care of Ventura County has lost an appeal for aid from a local consortium that distributes federal funds to help HIV-infected people.

“Unfortunately for us, the funding review came at a time of great turmoil in the agency,” said Doug Green, AIDS Care’s third executive director in the past seven months. “We were still denied in the (appeal), but the scoring was much closer the second time.”

AIDS Care, which had received funding for the past three years, was denied a part of $300,000 in federal grants last month by the Ventura County HIV Care Consortium. The consortium distributes federal AIDS money under the Ryan White AIDS Emergency Act.


The consortium spread the money out to eight other agencies. It had ranked AIDS Care ninth on its list of 10 applicants.

After AIDS Care appealed, United Way representatives from Northern California were brought in to examine the applications. They also ranked AIDS Care’s application ninth, but the rankings were closer.

Green said AIDS Care, which has a $200,000 operating budget made up of private donations, will be able to survive without compromising its services.
