
City Recognized for Use of Cleaner-Burning Fuel

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The city has been honored by the U.S. Department of Energy for using a growing number of vehicles powered by alternative fuels.

Long Beach is the first California city and the 14th nationwide to be inducted into the federal Clean Cities program. The program honors cities that expand their fleets of vehicles powered by cleaner-burning fuels such as natural gas and propane, energy officials said.

About 225 of Long Beach’s 1,400 vehicles are powered by natural gas. Long Beach plans to add an additional 375 vehicles powered by natural gas in the next five years, said Paul Smock, who manages the city’s natural gas program. About 45 police cars should be converted by December and there are plans to install four new natural gas engines in garbage trucks.


“The main objective of the program is to reduce American dependency on foreign oil and reduce vehicle emissions,” Smock said.

The city’s effort to use alternative fuel sources began in 1970 when 10 Gas Department pickup trucks were converted to accept natural gas.
