
Volunteers Sought for Whale Census


The annual gray whale migration from Alaska to Baja California will be fully under way soon and the Los Angeles chapter of the American Cetacean Society is seeking volunteers to assist with the whale census.

Participants will be trained to identify, track and record the behavior of gray whales and other cetaceans from the Pt. Vicente Interpretive Center on the Palos Verdes Peninsula from December through May.

The census is a shore-based project that tracks population levels, migratory patterns and human impact on gray whales. (310) 519-8963.



* Archeoastronomy will be on the bill at 8 p.m. Friday when the Santa Monica College astronomy program, “Stars Over Stonehenge,” examines the ancient people who observed the universe above the mysterious landmark in England. The program immediately follows the weekly night sky show at 7 p.m. Telescope viewing will be offered after the program, weather permitting. (310) 452-9396.

* The formation of stars and the solar system will be discussed by Bryan Penprase, assistant professor of physics and astronomy and director of observatories at Pomona College, at the college’s Millikan Planetarium at 8 tonight. (909) 621-8724.


* Children ages 4 to 7 can learn how shorebirds fly, feed and forage in “Beaks, Bones and a Whole Bunch of Feathers,” a workshop by the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday. (310) 548-7563.


* Margaret Huffman will discuss what plants native birds are attracted to at the monthly meeting of the Los Angeles Audubon Society at 8 tonight in Plummer Park. (213) 876-0202.


* The Los Angeles Community Reuse Organization will sponsor a seminar on “How to Perform an Energy Audit on Your Home or Small Business,” at the Energy Technology Engineering Center near Chatsworth from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday. The registration deadline is 3 p.m. Friday. To register and for directions to the facility, call (818) 586-6424.
