
Super Scooper


The Dec. 8 performance in Malibu of the CL-215 Super Scooper was consistent with its observed past performance in 1977-80, in Los Angeles County. Under high Santa Ana wind conditions, the CL-215 cannot effectively and safely drop water or foam at the head of a wildfire, in mountainous terrain, employing their present techniques.

County Fire Chief C. Michael Freeman is right in requesting another year to evaluate the Super Scooper, its capability, techniques and cost. The idea of working a lease agreement with Canada or other jurisdictions deserves consideration.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s a similar arrangement was operational with fixed-wing fire aircraft based at Van Nuys. They flew here in the summer and fall and wintered in Australia, their fire season. Los Angeles County, the California Department of Forestry and the U.S. Forest Service jointly shared the cost.


I retired in 1991 from the L.A. County Fire Department, with 36 years service as a vegetation management officer, and was appointed to the Wildfire Safety Panel this year by Supervisor Ed Edelman.

SCOTT E. FRANKLIN, Santa Clarita
