
HUNTINGTON BEACH : City Moves to Require Notice of Big Events

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The City Council gave preliminary approval this week to changing an ordinance to require public notice of events expected to draw more than 2,500 people, sell alcohol, play amplified music and close down streets.

Community Services Director Ron Hagan said that by giving people notice, residents will have a chance to voice concerns about an event.

“It’ll give a chance for downtown residents, business owners, and any other groups concerned about the impact of large events on the community a chance to give their input,” Hagan said. “If special circumstances need to be put on a permit, it can be done before approval.”


Hagan said the majority of events are held in the downtown and beach areas. Last year, he said the city granted 35 event permits. Events included art shows, volleyball and surfing championships, car rallies, a chili cook-off, runs and a horse show at Huntington Central Park.

Hagan said representatives from downtown businesses and residents will be invited to Special Events Committee meetings, made up of city department staff members to review event applications.

In other action, the council approved a lease for Jack McCauley to operate the Pay N Play Racquetball facility at Worthy Park.


Hagan said the current operators of the 10-court facility want to sell the lease to McCauley.

The city receives about $12,000 annually in lease revenue from the facility, Hagan said.
