
As f or Equestrian Sports, What Hurdles?


The Feb. 3 article “Hurdles Abound in Quest for Equestrian Excellence” omits the positive and best aspects of equestrian sports. Instead of concentrating on the expensive aspects, the reporter could have asked the young participants what they have gained from the sport--namely self-confidence, poise, courage and a sense of responsibility, to name a few benefits.

I am 63 years young and began riding at Foxfield about five years ago. Since my retirement I am at Foxfield five to six days a week and see firsthand the benefits to young and old of riding. You do not have to be a millionaire to enjoy this sport. The article could have been improved by changing the title to “Thousand Oaks Has Olympic Class Riders.” In the eyes of my wife, Cecile, and myself, both Jaime Krupnick and Kelli Ferroni are already champions.


Granada Hills
